Chapter 18 - Part 1: The Mall

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Left. Wait, what?--


"Holy fucking shit sweet mother of fuck god?!"

The words from my rainbow vocabulary couldn't help but let itself out as I tripped over a fucking rock, that had to be like, "Welp, I feel like being a bitch and make (Y/N) fall flat on her face when she's crowded by hundreds of people heheheueheuheue."

I groaned, rubbing my face as I felt the multiple stares dawn upon me.

"Hey you okay?" Hanji asked, crouching down to my level.

"No blood," I spat, trying to get the taste of dirt from my mouth.

"This is why you should use your eyes when you walk," Petra joked half-heartedly.

Hanji helped me get up, and I gave Petra a hard glare, making her chuckle nervously.

That's one thing fixed.

Now the next.

I began my deathly staredown to the people murmuring shit about me, and just watching me instead of helping me as I layed on the ground, my body splayed in an awkward position, unable to move from the unbearable pain--

Okay. I'm overreacting. But, all the people passing by were being bitches by just looking and not actually helping. I gave them a piece of my death glare, just to be fair.

"Nothing to see here. Move along." Though it was supposed to be a statement, it sounded more of a command coming from me. Most of the people flinched, before rushing away continuing their business.

I guess my appearance was that disturbing as well, huh?

I was wearing a white shirt, that had splotches of red at the top as the design, and a black jacket with the same design. I suppose they must've mistaken the ink stuck on the fabric as blood.

My face still has dirt and shit, so it gave a bonus.

Smacking my lips, I took the handkerchief Petra finally offered and began cleaning straight away. Oh god I'm glad Levi wasn't around, otherwise he would've start spewing shit at me nonstop.

"Wow. The dirt really loves you doesn't it?" A mocking voice commented sarcastically from behind me.

Oh for fuck's sake. Why's the bitch-like-asshole here?

"What the fuck you doing here bitch?" I snapped, still wiping my face as I turned around to face him.


Levi, of-fucking-course. And why the fuck is he here anyway?

"Oh, I called him last minute to help with the shopping," Petra informed nervously, "I also invited Erwin."

I glanced back, seeing the tall blonde man appear behind Levi, waving a small greeting. Unlike Levi, Erwin didn't really seem to care that small rocks were stuck to my face.

"Is my face clean?" I asked with a low voice to Hanji, and the brunette gave me a thumbs up. I sighed and tucked the handkerchief in my pocket. Knowing Petra, she wouldn't want the 'filthy' thing back anyway.

Speaking about Petra, she's started giving out orders. "Okay, to make this quicker, I'm going handout a budget of 100 dollars to each person, and they may use it for party properties and party foods, nothing else okay?"

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora