Chapter 27: Breakfast

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I blinked my eyes, unable to sleep any longer. Yawning, I checked the time.

3:27 am.

I frowned. I wasn't supposed to be awake until 5, but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep.

Sighing, I left my phone to charge a bit longer, heading for the toilet. Petra, Hanji and Mikasa was still asleep, so I'll go to the toilet outside.

I went out, quietly closing the door behind me. I entered the toilet, and did whatever business I needed to do, coming out wide awake.

What can I do to kill time?

I decided to head outside, getting some fresh before-dawn air. The wind felt cold, and I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt and pants right now.

I walked around on the grass, stopping by to gaze at the lake. The ground at the other side of the lake seemed to slightly raise up. A piece of the overhang was just barely seen through the mist and distance.

By now, the cold was just getting to me.

I shivered, walking back to my camp house. I must've been out for quite a while, because when I came back it was already 4:03 am.


I was cold beyond fuck, and I could really do with some hot tea right now. Oh wait, there is no tea. Fuck.

Is there even hot water? Fuck, it's all ice cold.

Where's the fucking kettle? I searched around the kitchen and in it's cupboards. Nothing.

What kind of bullshit is this?

I went back to the living room, searching through some bags some people forgot to bring to their room.

There's got to be something. I remember Hannes tossing something in here last night after the announcement.

I kept on searching, until I found the bag Hannes gave. I let out a relieved sigh when I saw what was in it. There were cooking tools as well as cooking supplies.

But most importantly, there was a kettle. And thank god there were also 2-3 thermos as well.

I took the kettle out and one of the thermos, taking it to the kitchen. I hummed quietly to myself as I filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove.

Sure, there wasn't any tea around, but I was happy enough with only a glass of hot water.

While waiting for the water to boil, I began to unload the bag Mr. Hannes gave us. There were eggs, bread, some pieces of fruit and vegetables, some meat, cooking oil and etc.

I brought all the supplies and placed it in the fridge, making sure it all fits, but not making it look messy either.

I opened another section of the cupboards and found a whole bunch of cups, plates and other utensils that looked like they were perfectly okay, though they were fucking dusty.

I took them out, and began giving them a quick wash, one by one.

You know, time flies when you're trying to get dust washed off of the stuff you're going to eat and drink out of.

The kettle began whistling, and I took it off the stove, pouring some into a cup I already washed, and the rest inside the thermos.

I let the hot water in my cup cool down a bit by finishing the dishes.

Letting out a sigh, I sat down on a chair on the kitchen table, sipping my hot water.

Not long after, some people started coming in the kitchen, clearly have jusy woken up.

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