Chapter 90: Drowning

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter includes implications of suicide. Proceed with caution.


I already published this chapter, but it got unpublished for some reason??


One year ago - Wings Senior High

After carefully listening to the conversation Petra had secretly recorded on her phone, I knew the time had come. No more stalling, no more beating around the bush— the final expedition is coming and I had to settle this conflict with a certain raven haired man.

Without a second thought, I snatched my idly hanging jacket and messily put it on as I skimmed down the stairs of the dormitory building, making it to the front door in record timing.

The sky was blue with stray clouds floating around calmly; the wind blowing gently and the sun's rays giving just the right amount of warmth to my body. It was indeed a beautiful day.

But what was about to come next wasn't as pretty.

I stopped at the school's front gate, stilling in my position as my eyes met familiar steel-blue ones staring intensely at me from across the barren street. Levi's steps were long and slightly slow-paced, the complete opposite of my racing heart as I watched him cross the road and approach me.

With every stride he took, his hair swayed gently back and forth, and the occasional soft gush of wind blowing his raven locks to the side once in a while. He stopped a few feet away from me, his hands neatly tucked in the pockets of his coat and his expression heavily guarded as he silently stared at me.

It took nearly all I had to mantain the cold facade on my face as my mind, heart, body and soul were overwhelming with emotions, from anger to anxiety and fear.

At last, Levi spoke in a quiet tone. "I know you wish to say many things, but not here, (Y/N). Let's go to a more private place."

After a quick debate in my mind, I reluctantly nodded in agreement and wordlessly followed the raven deep into the woods behind the school's perimeter, his steps leading us to only one place I know of.

Levi's secret getaway.

He stopped a good distance away from the small stream and stood stilly with his back turned to me as he waited for me to catch up. It didn't take long for me to do so. My feet brought me right behind him, and after a few seconds, the raven finally turned around and faced me.

I let my emotions speak for themselves.

The sound of my hand making contact with his face echoed around us, a red mark quickly beginning to form on the raven haired man's face.

Levi's head was forcefully turned to the side from the impact, his face remaining stoic and void of any expression despite the growing scarlet specks on his cheek.

Even though the anger I held within me towards this person was enough to set this forest on fire, I felt the slightest twinge of guilt as I watched him blankly stare at the ground. I mentally shook my head; I wasn't going to show any remorse. Not until he finally gives me the explanation the owed so badly.

And I made sure he was aware.

"I hate you."

Levi finally let down the barrier and allowed his feelings to be seen; sorrow and immense guilt filling the depths of his eyes as he brought his own to meet my (e/c) ones. "...I know."

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