Chapter 35: Mysteries to be Solved

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Petra's face was flushed. Her expression showed anger and disappointment.

Levi's jaw was clenched. His eyes was glistening in anger and uncertainty.

The mood around them was ugly.

Any idiot can tell they just had one hell of a wicked arguement.

I can confirm that as well. How can I not miss the yells of the two individuals while I was down at the lake.

I handed Petra the wet cloth, paying absolutely no attention to the fact that they just had a fight.

For all I know, it could be a relationship problem. I hear, but I don't eavesdrop into conversations I know I have nothing to do with.

The girl took it with a sigh, and began cleaning Levi's arm.

The mood was still as ugly.

Levi was staring daggers into the soul of Petra, and she didn't like that one bit.

"How's the wound?" I asked, trying to ease the tension with a neutral question.

Petra sighed again. "Just a cut, not too deep. Nothing serious."

"He fainted after the fall. Can you tell if there's any damaged to his head?"

Petra gazed at Levi's head, then at Levi himself, who finally spoke up.

"There's probably a bruise on top of my head," he said quietly, gently touching the position. "It's the only place where it hurts like hell."

I looked at Petra, who was nodding. "Worst case possible is a mild concussion. Nothing too life-endangering. If anything, the only thing it'll effect is his intellectual capacity."

Petra's words were filled with hidden venom. What?

Levi's jaw clenched again as he heard her words, and he looked away.

God, I've never seen Petra this savage.

Even so, the girl was still careful when tending to Levi's cut, gently dabbing the disinfectant, then wrapping his arm neatly with the bandage.

No matter what emotional crisis she was going through, she still remained strong, careful, and accurate in tending her patients.

That was one of the things I respected about Petra.

She's a natural healer.

"Don't go around falling anymore. Who knows you might come back without an eye next time," she warned, glaring at him as she stood up, slipping back inside the tent.

I winced at Petra's harsh words. Physically, she tended to them well. This time, for Levi, she was mentally stabbing him.

I crouched down beside the raven, who was examining his newly, bandaged arm.

"That was.... something."

Levi nodded, still not looking at me.

I was hesitant to ask him this question, but in the end I couldn't help it. "Is there..... anything I should know...?"

There was something going on between two people I know well, and care about.

My best friend and the bitch.

This time, Levi looked up, his eyes meeting mine. His steel blue eyes bore into mine, as if he was searching for something. Examining something.

He blinked his eyes, and tore his gaze away from me. "No, there's nothing of importance."

I narrowed my eyes.

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