Chapter 42: Please

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"A cup of tea please."



The lady nodded and walked back inside the kitchen, and I stood by the counter, tapping my finger on the desk.

I don't really eat breakfast nowdays, since it takes up too much time. A snack bar from the mini fridge in my dorm, and a cup of tea or coffee from the cafeteria is my fuel for the day.

It was about a few minutes past 7, and I knew I had to hurry if I wanted to make it for Shadis' morning role call.

The lady returned with my drink, and I gave a brief thank you before turning around to walk to class.

It was only a couple of steps before I heard someone call my name.

I stopped mid-sip, glancing back with a raised eyebrow. A certain raven haired man was walking in a fast pace in my direction.

A small smirk appeared on my lips. Now, I already forgave Levi, I think.

But he doesn't know that.

And it wouldn't hurt to play around with him since he left me in the dark for a whole month.

"I thought you said we'd meet up at the cafeteria," he complained, breathing slightly heavily.

Show time.

I raised one finger. "At seven," I corrected sharply, keeping my gaze stern.

"Well it's seven," he replied, glancing at his watch.

"Past 10," I corrected him again, turning around to walk away.

"Wait (Y/N), wait!"

He grabbed my shoulder, but I rolled it off easily, taking a sip of my tea as I kept on walking away.

"I'm sorry!"

I paused for a moment at his words, before deciding to keep walking anyways.

"We're going to be late," I told him, not looking back.

Levi jumped a few steps, matching his pace with mine as he reached my side. "I said I'm sorry."

I pretended that I didn't hear him, and checked the time. "Oh my, I'm going to have to rush."

I quickened my steps, amused to see Levi also doing the same. We reached the main hall that was crawling with students, with Levi still right by my side.

"Hey are you listening to me? I said sorry!"

Once again, I acted like I couldn't hear him. "What? Did you say something?"

Levi muttered under his breath, and I could see him visibly clenching his fist.

I stopped by my locker, taking a book and stuffing it in my bag. Surprisingly, Levi waited patiently by my side.

"I'm soorryyy!" He practically yelled in my ear, earning a few glances from other students around.

I ignored him, and watched out of the corner of my eye as Levi looked around uncomfortably as people started giggling around him.

I mentally laughed as I closed my locker, wondering what time it is. My eyes popped out as I looked at my watch. "Holy shit, we're late."

Levi turned to me, his eyes clearly frustrated. "What?"

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