Chapter 38: New Year - Part 1

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Couldn't do the double update, here's one of them. Sorry, things have been terrible for me.


I haven't seen Levi for 5 days.

No, to be precise, Levi has been avoiding me ever since Christmas morning.

I don't see why he's doing it, though. And I've also noticed Levi and Petra talking back again.

Talking a lot, actually.

Nearly everyday, she's been getting calls from Levi, or sometimes it'd be her calling Levi. She's going out a lot more frequently too.

So I take it they made up?

Heck, dating now?

If they did, then good for them.

For the past 6 days, I've still been feeling uncomfortable. I still can't figure out why Levi just had to place his lips on my cheek just to say thanks.

Unless it meant something more -which I highly doubt- I didn't see the reason he had to do it.

It felt weird, seeing that only Ms. Falida ever gives me a kiss on my cheek or forehead.

But, I decided to push it past me and let it be a memory of the past.

Surprisingly, there wasn't any parties for new year. Petra said she was too exhausted to host another one, and the school wasn't doing anything about it either.

Well, there was a countdown in Sina that was catching the attention of everyone.

A lot of the students are planning to go there to join in the countdown.

I don't know if Petra or Levi or any of the others are going, but I know one person who is.

I've been seeing Kazu a lot at the cafeteria lately. He would often say hi, and then we'd end up eating together.

It felt strange, considering usually I would somehow meet Levi, call him a bitch and then we'd together. But nowdays, Levi has been eating with Petra, and eating by myself gets lonely sometimes.

Sure, there would be Hanji or Mikasa, Eren and Armin sometimes, but I don't see them as often.

So now, I mostly eat with Kazu. He told me that he was going to Sina along with a few buddies, and he offered me to join.

Now, even though I'm lonely as fuck, I would still go over the goods and bads of everything.

Now let's think. I am friends with Kazu, and I've mostly picked up his habbits, so I know him quite well.

But his buddies, who I'm guessing are guys since I would see him hanging around them sometimes, I don't know at all. I trust Kazu, but not his guy friends.

Even if I know them, boys are still boys. And it's definitely not a risk I was willing to take.

It's the second-last day of the year, and I'm bored as hell. Petra had gone out again for the second time in the day, so I've been alone in the dorm for half the day.

I sighed, and turned on my phone, checking social media.

Nothing interesting.

I layed back on my bed, inhaling the scent of newly washed covers.

Minutes passed, and I decided I was wasting precious time of my life. Closing my eyes, I quickly brainstormed things I could do, and I landed on one.

It's been a while since I've hung out with Eren and Armin.

I scrollef though my contacts, finding Eren's and clicked the call button.

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