Chapter 2: Pack, Pack, Pack

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I'm accepted.

I'm accepted?

I'm accepted!


My heart soared with hapiness. Too bad my face still remained stoic, leading up to Ms. Falida asking me in concern, "(Y/N), are you not happy?"

I closed my eyes, and let some expression into my face. A warm, genuine smile. "I'm happy. I'm so happy that I don't know what to say!"

Armin jumped from beside bear-hugged me, earning a chuckle. Eren had leaped from the sofa, and was standing on it, his arms raised far beyond his head, his mouth opened in a silent scream.

In the end, Ms. Falida pulled us all into a warm embrace. "I'm so proud of you two!" Her warm congrats filled my heart. I haven't felt this happy in ages, I swear I could get drunk with it.

Then, Armin suddenly spoke up, "Eren, have you enrolled yet?"

Eren smiled. "I already did. Three days ago."

"But, we just got the result now. You said you'd enroll after we got the results. What if one of us didn't make it?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

Eren chuckled at me, and crossed his arms. "Simple. I just trusted that you both made it in."

"How sweet and adoorable," Ms. Falida purred. She let go of us and clapped her hands together. "So let me lay out the details. Your flight is in three days, 10:30 am sharp, Kyojin Air. You'll be flying to Paradis, a 7 hour flight. Pack light, since the school will provide the rest. Any questions?"

Armin immediately raised his hand. "Um, are there documents from the school or something? And... we all techincally don't know how to do.... aeroplane....stuff," he said with a cute, confused face.

"Oh sweet dear Armin," Ms. Falida pinched his cheeks. "Those are what the information centre is for."

"O-oh," Armin responded, not really getting the answer he needed. Ms. Falida chuckled at his response, "Don't worry, I'll be explaining it to (Y/N) here so just count on her."




"What?" I rasped out.

"Yay (Y/N)!" Eren cheered, "Better not get us lost later! C'mon Armin lets go pack!" With that said, Eren dragged Armin back to the room.

I gazed as they disappeared into their room, and glanced expectantly at Ms. Falida.

She smiled at me and gave a small cough before starting.


Well what a load of crap, I thought as I went back inside my room. I grabbed my chair and pushed to the wardrobe, and stood on it. On my tippy toes, boosted by the chair, I can reach my suitcase stuffed at the very top.

Dust fell on my face and my nose wrinkled in disgust. I took it down, and just dropped it on the floor, creating the loudest f*cking sound ever, earning an ooyy! from down below.

I was covered in dust, and it didn't take long for it to make me go through a sneezing fit. I sniffed and wiped my nose before opening the empty suitcase. And thus, I began packing the stuff I think I probably need.

Don't judge me. I don't exactly know what to pack. If I see something that feels important to me then into the suitcase it goes. But honestly if it was really up to me to what is really important, then the only thing I'll be taking is my phone and wallet.

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя