Chapter 58: Lies and Denial

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"How could you Armin?" Eren snarled, shoving him back. "I trusted you with a key of my room, and you go around meddling with my private stuff?!"

"Eren please," Armin begged, nearly getting on his knees, "You have to hear me out!"

The brunette inhaled sharply, and pointed a finger to the door. "I don't want to hear it. Leave. Now."

"Eren, please..."

Eren shook his head, glaring at Armin with dark eyes. "Leave."

Armin sighed and slowly walked himself to the door. "I'm... really sorry Eren."

Eren turned his gaze to me. Surprisingly, there wasn't as much hate or anger in his eyes as before. It was mostly... disappointment. "I expected better from you (Y/N). I really did."

In all honesty, Eren's rage wasn't enough to get rid of my previous shock. My lip trembled as I tried to speak. "I'm sorry about invading your father's stuff... but, I have to side with Armin this time."

I let my eyes travel to the scattered papers on the floor. "There is something.... very, very important in those notes. Whatever you decide to do with them, please do it carefully."

Ripping my gaze from the papers, I walked out the door, closing it behind me.

The shock was still there, that was more than clear. But, there was something that was even clearer.

After getting Armin to open the door of the boy's dorm, I quickly rushed to my own, hoping Petra was still out with her father.

Reaching my dorm, I quickly unlocked it and tossed all unneeded things on my bed. Petra wasn't here, but I felt like I needed more privacy.

I had never felt my mind so clear before, like I knew what had to be done. I stepped inside the bathroom and locked it behind me. I headed for the sink and just stood there, staring at my reflection.

Let's do this.

I closed my eyes and calmed my mind, trying to focus on the one thing I had always believed I had no control over.

Not this time.


This time, it didn't sound like I was calling for it. This time, it sounded more like I was commanding it to come.

And who would've guessed that's all it took?

I'm here.

I couldn't see anything, but I still poured my rage on the void.

You knew this didn't you? You knew it all along!

The voice remained silent, but when it spoke again, it kept it's coolness.

What do you mean?

Surprisingly, the stuff from my clothes is still here. I snatched out the piece of paper I had snitched and held it out in the air.

Honestly, I didn't even know if this thing can read, but judging from it's sharp inhale of air, it definitely knows what it is.

Where did you get that?

Where I got this from is none of your business. Now tell me the truth!

The voice spoke with a hint of a growl in its voice.

There is nothing to tell.


The air got colder and menacing after I said that word.

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora