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3 years later, on the same date as I published the first chapter of this book, I can finally mark it as "Complete".


Hello, I'm Rhina, the author of this book.

First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone that has read, voted, commented and supported this book. I cannot thank you all enough.

I'm going to say this right here: I'm bad at writing these type of things. Seriously bad. So, heads up if it's all over the place.

Honestly, to this day, I still can't grasp the amount of people that are reading this dinky book I wrote. I never imagined it to get so... big.

My Alpha isn't the first story I've written. But it's the first story I've ever completed, something I never thought I was capable of doing. Something far beyond my imagination.

Of course, this book has many flaws and errors that haven't gone by unnoticed. If I have the time, will and energy, I would love to rewrite it in a way where I won't have to cringe when I read it.

I'm sure you've picked up some of the flaws of this book. Whether it be grammatical errors, plot holes, or others, I'm sure you've found at least one. Feel free to comment it, I want to see it all.

I began writing this book on January 6, 2018 at the age of 14. I still remember being so excited whenever I saw the read count go up, or when I recieved a notification telling me that someone had given a vote.

During that period of my life, things were tough and I always felt like I was so alone. Writing has always made me feel better, but seeing people voting and interacting with my something that I wrote - it was a joy like no other.

Your votes, comments and support were the highlight of so many days where I was stressed and depressed. I can't thank you enough for all the smiles and laughs you've given to me for the past 3 years *'ㅅ')゙♥

This book was such a journey, for you and for me as well. Starting out as a crazed 9th grade, 14 year old fangirl who was skipping studies for National Exams to plan out the plot of this story, all the way to a 17 year old senior student in high school who's trying not to be lazy and skip studying for college entrance exams.

I've grown as a person and my way of thinking has also changed. Personally, I think you can see it in the way I write, but idk, maybe you can't and I'm just hallucinating.

This book, no matter how crazily written and badly paced out, holds a special place in my heart. The adventure I went through with all you guys made these 3 years of my life so much brighter and filled with excitement.

As much as I hated it, I'm going to miss the thrill of speed writing a chapter so it would meet the deadline, the anticipation I felt when I published it and waited for you to vote and comment, the joy of scrolling down the notifications and reading all your thoughts and theories.

...I know I'm rambling at this point. I just can't express how I feel right now (>人<;)

Alright, cut! Let's just answer the questions you asked.


Weeb_Zoldyck asked: R u gonna do a sequel?!

As hinted in the epilogue (that you haven't read when you asked me this lol, my bad), Levi and (Y/N)'s story has most definitely not ended.

Though I have a good idea of how their story will continue, I don't want to release a sequel without any preparations. Last thing I need is for it to turn out like this book. And though I ended up enjoying writing this book, it was still pretty tiring.

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now