Chapter 76: A Chain of Misunderstanding

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About a week has passed by ever since we moved to the new cabin, and started gathering data about the second half of our lane.

I walked slowly, quickly taking notes on the terrain before me. Erwin was somewhere on my right, writing his own notes as well. My hand was starting to shiver as the cold wind gradually seeped into my gloves.

We've been out here for over three hours, just silently mapping out the land and taking important notes.

I looked up from my book, noticing that this section was not as steep and rocky as the others, but only at a slight angle and filled with snow and near to none rocks.

"Huh. That's new," I commented to myself, gazing around this snowy plain as I closed my book.

"(Y/N)!" Erwin called out, waving his hand. "Let's go back and have.... late lunch."

"Alright," I replied with a nod, turning on my heels and retracing our steps back to the cabin.

"The route here isn't as complicated as the first zone," Erwin murmured, occasionally glancing around.

I muttered an agreement. The first zone had been a bit complicated because of the edgy stone platforms and large sharp jutting rocks everywhere.

Granted we haven't gotten too far on the other sections, but for now, things seemed pretty easy.

"Also, the weather up here doesn't seem half bad."

I scoffed, rubbing my hands together. "You sure about that? I'm still freezing my butt off."

Erwin gave a small laugh. "I didn't mean it was going to be like at a tropical resort (Y/N). It just doesn't feel as cold. For now, I guess."

"For now." I rolled my eyes, nudging my shoulder at his arm. "Just wait until night time. You'll get your share of frozen butt."

We both laughed it off, our laughter fading away in the wind.

I sighed, a thought suddenly coming to mind. "Hey, what are we gonna do once we reach the top?"

"Find Shadis and get the hell out of here," Erwin replied, almost instantly. But then, he narrowed his eyes in thought. "No wait. Before that, we'll find a nice sturdy stick and tie a cloth on it. It'll be our little flag up there."

I gave a wide smile at the idea. "Oohh, nice idea. Let's write down all our names as well!"

Erwin gave a enthusiastic nod. "Yeah, to prove that we conquered Mount Maria!" He shot a clenched fist into the air, briefly posing like a superhero.

I snorted and laughed at his stupid pose, wiping away a nearly frozen tear. "Sure Commander Eyebrows. We'll do just that."

The blonde man gave a determined smile. "I swear I'll get that flag up there, (Y/N). Nothing's gonna stop me."

"Oh yeah? What if Shadis comes over and kicks it down?"

Erwin furrowed his thick eyebrows. "Then... I'll be damn sure to kick him once we graduate. But only after we graduate. I can't imagine what he'll do to me if I was still going to school."

"Cut off your eyebrows?"

Erwin's hand raised up to caress his eyebrows. "What a nightmare," he said with a shiver.

I let out a small chuckle. "Care about your eyebrows that much?" Gesturing to the shiver.

He gave a lopsided smile and shook his head. "No, that was my butt freezing. Let's hurry back. I'm starving."


I closed my eyes with a relieved sigh as the hot fireplace in front of me warmed my frozen body. The sound of the fire crackling was peaceful for me, rather than the howls of the wind.

A soft tap on my shoulder made me open my eyes, meeting the wide blue orbs of Armin. "Hey (Y/N), your share of the meal is on the table."

I nodded, standing up. "Thanks Armin."

"No problem."

I sat down on one of the chairs, looking up to see Erwin standing in front of a window, silently staring outside. "Erwin? You said you were starving."

I pushed his meal towards him as he turned around with a sigh. He sat down quietly, slowly beginning to eat his food. I took a bite of my food, watching the crease on his face. "What's up?"

Erwin poked his food one or two times before meeting my gaze. "Just... thinking."

I gave a small sigh and nodded toward his food. "Eat first, then think."

"Sure." Erwin flashed a smile, digging into his meal.

I ate mine surprisingly quickly, realizing just how hungry I was. The food was sort of bland, but what more can you get? As long as it keeps me alive, then I'll take it.

The door creacked open and Levi walked in. Behind him, was Petra, who whispered in his ear before giving him a few pats on his back. I looked at Petra, noticing the wide grin on her face.

"What's up with you?" I asked as she passed me.

Petra's grin only seemed to get wider. "Oh, nothing important. Right, Levi?" She replied, nudging him.

Levi shoved her away and gave her a bored expression. "Just shut your mouth Petra."

Petra giggled and walked away. No wait, let me fix that. Skipped away. What the actual fuck?

"What's going on between you two?" Erwin asked Levi curiously, taking the last bite of his meal.

"Nothing," Levi snapped, a little too aggressively, if you ask me.

"Definitely sounds like something," Armin commented, coming back from the small kitchen.

Levi scowled at him. "Don't you dare join in coconut head."

"Coconut head...?" Erwin exclaimed to himself.

Hanji came hopping from the hallway, her face bright and her eyes shining with energy. "Ooh, I like coconuts!"

Erwin turned his attention to Hanji, a shocked expression on his face. "Wha-- You like Armin??!"

Levi just facepalmed himself at this point.

"What?! You like me?!" Armin nearly screeched in surprise, turning to Hanji. "I thought you were dating Moblit??"

"Where the fuck did Moblit come from?" Petra asked in confusion, her head peeking from the hallway.

Erwin stood up immediately. "You're dating Moblit?!"

"No!!" Hanji exclaimed, jumping back from shock. "We just have sessions together!" The brunette paused for a second, her face growing dark. "Oh shit that came out wrong."

"SESSIONS?!?!" Erwin screamed in disbelief.


"YOU'RE HAVING SESSIONS OF EXPERIMENT-FUCKING MOBLIT?!?!" Armin shrieked, pointing at Hanji, and at the same time, Eren and Mikasa walked in.

Eren jaws immediately dropped. "HANJI'S FUCKING MOBLIT?!!"

Mikasa tilted her head in confusion. "Who's Moblit?" I shot her a glance that said, 'My question exactly.'

I could hear Levi groaning beside me as he massaged his temple.

Erwin rushed to Hanji, grabbing her shoulders urgently. "HANJI HOW COULD YOU!"

"I'M NOT FUCKING MOBLIT, EYEBROWS!!" Hanji exploded, screaming at the top of her lungs afterwards.

I winced at the sharp shrill of her scream, glancing back at Levi, who was really about to lose it. Grabbing his hand, I gave him a sympathetic smile before dragging him out of the cabin and out into the snow. "W-Wait--!"

As we ran out the door, the last thing I heard was Petra yelling after us.

"Good luck!!"

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