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The stars were glittering brightly, ever so slightly moving in the navy sky as they lit up the land below. There was a breeze in the wind, not as soft as the usual one, swaying the ferns and tall grass, and the leaves of mighty trees.

One person stood alone, their dark blue robe almost blending in with the background, if it weren't for the speckles of what seemed to be stars drizzled on its back. Silky, long white hair moved with the wind, each strand glimmering like diamonds, her pearl white lashes closed as she quietly focused.

The woman gazed up, studying the dark sky with eyes that challenged the beauty of a sapphire stone itself. Though through her beauty, there was a feeling of concern.

In front of her, the waters of the lake were not calm, and instead catching on small ripples and tides. Unsettled waters of the lake didn't necessarily mean a bad thing, but it indicates something is going to happen.

However, when paired with the beautiful, yet ominous sight above, the woman couldn't help but feel a bit worried as to what was awaiting her.

The lake often rippled, it was not a foreign sight.

But the stars, they were a different story.

From behind the woman, a light flashed briefly as she felt the presence of another being entering her realm. She turned her head, seeing the familiar sight of a wolf's luscious white fur.

Her lips parted to greet her, but was interrupted by a second burst of light, that faded away to reveal a wolf with a pelt darker than night.

She smiled, stepping around to face the two beings fully, her voice gentle and warm as always as she greeted them.

"Ziahra, Akama, welcome. What brings the two of you here?"

The two wolves shared a glance, looking at one another with a disgusted expression. Ziahra was the one who moved first, padding up to the woman and lowering her head out of respect, and also with hopes that the goddess would give her a pet.

"(Y/N) and Levi met..." The white wolf explained, softly nudging the goddess' hand with her snout. She understood what the wolf wanted, and raised her hand to gently stroke the feathery fur right behind the ears, smiling as she heard a content sigh coming from Ziahra. "I didn't want to see any nasty stuff, so I came here."

"Is that so?" The goddess brought her sapphire eyes to the ebony wolf standing further away. "Then I take it your reason is the same?"

Akama nodded, giving his sleek pelt a quick shake right before walking up to the goddess. The woman smiled, placing a hand on the wolf's battle-scarred face, stroking it with her thumb gently. But then--


She paused, hearing how hard the water from the lake had hit the bank, causing an unknown shiver travelling down her spine. But the goddess has been alive for thousands of years - she has mastered the art of pretend.

Neither the wolves noticed the abrupt stop of her hand, nor did they pick up the scent of anxiety that the goddess was silently going through. Of course, that is how it should be. Gods are supposed to be immortal beings with grand power, a being for others to lean on. Gods have to be a strong pillar for others, and so, revealing their moment of weakness is and will never be an option.

Satisfied with the pets and scratches from her, Ziahra and Akama moved away, laying down on the soft soil by the agitated lake. The goddess too mirrored their actions, sitting down on a smooth stone in between the wolves.

She glanced subtly at the two, wondering whether they could see the rough tides of the water. When she saw no signs of it, she simply relaxed in her seat and gazed at the lake like nothing was happening.

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