Chapter 59: Rage

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I gazed at the tall blonde man standing right in front of me, staying silent.

Erwin stared at me with his deep blue eyes, his gaze unwavering. "(Y/N)? You called me. Is something wrong?"

I fiddled my fingers, nervous and hesitant to say what I wanted to. Erwin's sharp eyes did not miss a thing.

"You can tell me anything. Please, speak."

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath to gather my thoughts. "Erwin, I really don't know if I should be asking you this."

"Just ask." Was Erwin's gentle reply, his voice soothing and deep.

I smiled nervously as I finally asked him the question. "I-is there something wrong.... with Levi?"

A small 'huh?' left Erwin, but I continued speaking. "It's just... ever since that parent-teacher meeting, Levi's been... really off."

Erwin didn't reply immediately, but when he did, his voice had taken a slightly higher pitch. "How's he off?"

I looked away. "Well, he cut all contacts with me, even blocking my number. He never speaks or even looks at me at school, and he's always going to freshmen girls to hang out."

Erwin lifted an eyebrow playfully. "Are you sure it's not jealousy? I heard a lot of hate in your voice towards the end there."

"Jealous or not, it doesn't matter. I just want to know what's going on with him."

"Well, how do you know Levi's not changing, and that he's finally grown out of his teenie tiny shell and making new friends?" Erwin questioned, taking a step closer.

I let out a small huff. "Erwin. You and I both know the answer to that question."

Erwin smirked. "Impossible."

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up a bit, but I really want you to answer that question."

I looked up, my eyes meeting his. "I'm really worried."

Erwin stared at me, not replying. All of a sudden he moved forward, wrapping his arms around me, bringing me into a hug.

I put my hands on his chest, secrets enjoying the warmth from him in this chilly breeze. "E-Erwin... hey.."


"This is all nice and such, but can you let go?"

Erwin slowly let go of me, and I was finally able to inhale some air. "I don't exactly know what's going on with Levi, but all I know is that he's very.... distressed right now."

"Why?" I asked, desperate to know more.

"Just trust me when I say; he's going through a lot. And he feels it's best to leave you out of this whole mess. So he can protect you."

I stared at Erwin, my mouth slightly open. Protect me?

"But why did he start hanging out with those... sluts?"

Erwin's eyes flashed with surprise. "That's a strong word there (Y/N). You're not one to say something like that."

"I don't care!" I snapped. "I've seen the way those bitches act around him! And now you're telling me, he's only doing this to protect me?"

The surprise died out of Erwin, and his facial features grew serious.

"As I said, he's willing to go great lengths to protect you. He hopes that if he hangs out with some other girl, it will make you leave him."


"He wants to protect you (Y/N). And he'll do anything, even if it makes him the bad guy."

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