Chapter 6: Bunch of Brats

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"Hopefully she isn't some jerk." I thought silently as I opened the door, to reveal a pretty ginger-haired woman unpacking her luggage.

She stood up once she saw me and rushed over. "Hi!" she chirped. "You must be (Y/N). I'm Petra Ral, your roommate for the year."

"Nice to meet you. I hope we'll get along well." I replied rather stiffly.

Petra smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "(Y/N), no need to be so formal. You can just chill and relax when you're in here."

"Ah, right. Dank chu."

Petra seemed a bit shocked listening to the sudden words from my mouth. But then she just started laughing softly, a hand covering her mouth. "Yeah, that's more like it!" She laughed.

I smiled and began opening my luggage.

Hang in there (Y/N). I need to stop being a gloomy person for now. I must be careful with every step of my action. I must stay on Petra's good side, because the last thing I need is my roommate for the year becoming my sworn enemy.

".... (Y/..)....... (Y/N)."

"Huh?" I jerked my head up, and saw Petra gazing at me with a slight worry.

"Are you okay? You spaced out all of a sudden."

"Ahh..." I sat there like an idiot staring at the floor, not knowing what to say.

"Is it because of that picture?" She asked suddenly.

I looked down and realized I was holding a picture me when I was younger with my parents. Though it did make my heart ache when I saw the picture, it wasn't enough to make me space out.

But Petra doesn't have to know that.

I cleared my throat and purposely looked away whilst setting the picture down. Petra stopped looking at me and continued emptying her luggage.

She murmured softly, just enough for me to hear, "If you need some to talk to, just know that I'm here for you. That's what friends are for."

I gently hummed my response, more concentrated on taking my undergarments out of the luggage and secretly stuffing it under the pile of clothes I made on the carpet floor.

Even so, I didn't forget to whisper, "Thank you," barely enough for her to hear. But from the small smile that spread across her face, I'm sure she heard it.

Who knew I was so good at acting?

I began putting my clothes in my closet, slowly but steadily organizing it until it was neatly placed.

Luckily, I barely have any clothes.

I made it about halfway through before there was a sudden brisk knock on the door. Me and Petra froze, then looked at each other.

She gave me a nod and I opened the door, revealing a woman wearing the receptionist uniform. She handed me a letter, and gave a half-bow then left to the next room.

"What is it?" Petra asked me from behind.

"It's a letter.... Perhaps some kind of invitation from the looks of it," I replied as I proceeded to open the envelope.

Petra came by and stood next to me as I opened it, her hands leaning on my shoulder.

And I was right. It was indeed an invitation.

You are invited!


You are invited to come to the annual Wings Senior High Welcoming Party,
to celebrate the arrival of new students and to simply make them feel welcomed to their new home and school for the next 3 years.

Date: Friday, (insert custom date here)

Place: Wings Senior High Stage and Ballroom, 4th floor

Time: 17.00 - end

We hope you'll come! Feel free to bring friends!

Signed, Headmaster of WSH,

(insert headmaster name here)

"Oohh. That sounds fun!" Petra exclaimed as I gave her the invitation.

She re-read the letter once more before turning back to me. "Hey, you're going right?"

I made an uncertain face as I placed another shirt in my closet, finishing the current stack I was working on. "I don't know.... Maybe I'll pass."

"Nonsense!" Petra gasped. "You're coming with me. We are gonna attend this party no matter what you say."

I shrugged my shoulders and began placing shirts in a new stack.

"Sure, whatever. I'll come along," I sighed, placing the last shirt.

Petra stayed silent for a moment, before saying, "Hey, let's continue unpacking later. There's only an hour left before dinner and all the first years are supposed to be in the community room by now."

"Huh? I never heard that rule before."

"Well, it's apparently true. Here, it's written on the brochure." She shrugged and showed me the brochure.

Well, I can't argue if it's formally written.

"Okay. Let's go down."

"Bring your dorm key and ID with you."

I nodded and snatched what I needed before walking towards Petra, who was waiting for me at the door. She locked the door and we both went down the lift.

Once reaching the ground floor, she led me to the back of the large area, leading to another section, filled with people, first years to be exact.

It was chock-full of students chatting away, sitting on the unbelievable amount of sofas, standing or just sitting down on the carpeted floor.

"Follow me, I wanna introduce you to my friends," Petra said, dragging my hand with her.

She led me to a massive group of people. Are those people all her friends?

Once we reached the group of people, Petra gave a friendly greeting. "Hey guys! Who's all these guys?"

Wait, she doesn't know these people as well? Hah?? Eren and Armin's with them.

"There gonna be our new friends!!" A brunette girl with glasses shrieked excitedly.

"Shitty glasses caught them standing around looking confused so she dragged them here. Bunch of brats," a raven haired boy spoke with a monotone voice.

"How unfortunate for them," Petra giggled to the raven boy. I shot a questioning glare to Eren and Armin, and they both just shrugged.

"Who's the brat there Petra?" The boy suddenly asked.

"Um, Levi.. this is my roommate (Y/N). (Y/N), Levi."

"Pleasure to meet you," I greeted politely.

Levi gave me a nod and turned his attention to the brown haired girl who had brought Eren, Armin and all the other people.

The woman gave an ear to ear smile and clapped her hands together. "Let's sit down and get to know with each other kayyyyyy?"

Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.

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