Chapter 98: Kenny Ackerman

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Is everthing I've ever known... a lie?

With all my energy drained, I stood and watched as Kenny got up and made a run for it after the wailing of a police car's siren came into hearing, leaving the small, traumatized girl behind all alone.

Left to harbor the hate for a person who committed no crime in all the years to come.

My sight darkened and all the sounds quickly became muffled. Bubbles appeared in random places, slowly floating upwards. The scene I was seeing dissolved away into the darkness, and soon enough, I felt myself being pulled out of the cold, dark water, the force of it knocking out the air out of my lungs.

I choked, flailing my arms to reach the top quicker with what little time and strength I had left. My head broke through the surface, violent gasps of air shaking my entire body as I desperately drank in all the oxygen.

Something clenched the back of my shirt, dragging my limp body back to the shore. I glanced back, seeing a pair of two sapphire eyes staring right back at me.

"I got you," Ziahra whispered through gritted teeth, gently pulling me away from the lapping waters.

The wolf easily hauled me up to the edge of the lake, before letting go of my clothes and stepping back. I kicked my legs and pushed myself away, my arms going around my shivering shoulders as the cold air hit me.

Ziahra neared me, wrapping her long and fluffy tail around me and pressing her bigger and warmer body against my freezing one. I muttered a quick thanks, feeling the chattering of my teeth and shivering of my body ease as she welcomed me into the warmth of her fur.

"The water of this lake is unlike any other," the Moon Goddess explained as she gazed down at me from her long and thick eye lashes. "It is cold, but it doesn't dampen you by the slightest."

My hand grazed my clothes. She's right. I'm completely dry. But, that isn't what I'm thinking about...

I got to my feet and turned around, my eyes landing on a tall figure that had been standing at the same place the entire time.

"...why?" I asked him, my voice weak and quivering.

Kenny stared at me with his silver orbs, not a sliver of emotion visible on his face. His reply was nothing but silence and a stoic glare.

I took a shaky breath, taking small steps of uncertainty forward and leaving Ziahra's warm embrace. "...why? Why did you s-.. save me?"

"I did it because I wanted to," Kenny replied flatly, sounding completely uninterested.

I refuse to believe he was. "That's not all, isn't it? I... saw you. You were... you were... griefing. Sad. Devestated."

The tall man looked at me as I edged near him with a cold, unwavering gaze. But I knew that through that thick wall of ice, he cared... or at least felt something about that whole day. I know. I would know.

Because I've seen Levi do this a hundred times.

I stopped a few feet away from him and stood still, waiting for an answer of some sort.

Kenny clicked his tongue and shrugged his shoulders. "I helped you a bit. That's all."

"You. Saved. My life," I told him, putting weight on each and every word. "Why?"

"Kenny's too proud to admit it," a voice said from behind me. I glanced back, seeing Ziahra padding towards me and sitting down by my side. "But he cares a lot about your mother, (Y/N)."

"My mom...?"

Kenny scowled at Ziahra as she continued. "The only reason he'd go as far as doing all those things is because you are (M/N)'s daughter."

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