Chapter 30: Book

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"I've come to a conclusion that only two of us will make the journey back to basecamp," Levi announced, as we stood together in front of the tent, dawn light washing over us.

"I agree," I said immediately. I had given it some thought last night before sleeping. "It's too dangerous to leave the things here alone."

"So who'll go?" Petra asked after a while.

Levi took a breath. "I'll stay--"

I quickly cut Levi off. "No, I'll stay. You and Petra will make the journey back."

Petra lightly blushed at my words, whereas Levi stared at me dead in the eye. "No, that's too dangerous."

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Levi," I scoffed.

"It's still too dangerous," he argued, making me narrow my eyes.

"Two girls walking alone in the forest is just as dangerous."

I crossed my arms. "I'm staying, that's final."

Levi opened his mouth to argue, but no words came out. He tched, walking away from the two of us.

I sighed, turning to Petra. "Here's your chance Petra. Get close to him."

The strawberry-blonde gasped. "Wait, you did that so I can get closer to him?"

"Duh. What'd you think?"

"That you were just moody and wanted to stay alone."

I huffed, wondering where she got that from. "No," I replied sternly, annoyance bubbling in my veins.

Petra smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

"You better be. Now go make this work." I shooed her away, heading over to Levi that was standing at the hanging cliff, staring at the lake.

"Are you crying like a little bitch?" I asked aloud, smirking as Levi slightly flinched.

"Who the fuck is crying?" Levi snapped, glaring in my direction.

I shrugged. "Just asking. Why are you being like a total bitch about me staying?"

Levi glanced at me, no longer glaring. "'s dangerous (Y/N)."

"I'll be fine," I assured him softly. "You guys are coming back in the evening anyways."

Levi's gaze told me he still doesn't agree.

"You are coming back in the evening right? Promise?"

The raven sighed. "I promise."

I smiled. "Then that's all it takes. As long as you keep that promise, I'll be fine."

Levi sighef heavily and did something that surprised me. He ruffled my hair as he walked passed me. "Don't die."

I scoffed, brushing my hair back to it's normal state. "Don't worry. That's not happening anytime soon."

Levi smirked and walked back to camp, greeted by Petra who had prepared for the journey back.

I gazed at the lake, taking a deep breath of the cool, fresh air of the young day.

Perhaps Petra was right. I guess I did want some time alone to myself. The nature calmed me, I felt at peace despite everything that happened.

I yawned, stretching my arms, before heading back to camp. Levi carried his bag lazily over his shoulder beside Petra.

The strawberry-blonde waved to me. "Take care (Y/N), we'll see you later."

She treaded away, stepping carefully over the rocks and damp soil, Levi trailer behind her.

He glanced at me one last time, and murmured, "Take care."

I gave him a nod, and he walked away, catching up to Petra.

I smacked my lips, thinking on what to do. Humming to myself, I took another pack of military food, opening it.

Once again, the food was bland and tasteless, but at this point it didn't bother me too much. The food certainly did a good job of keeping my hunger at bay.

I finished my meal, and decided to start getting information for the report. I went back inside the tent and grabbed my notebook and pen.

I'll start with the type of undergrowth.

I walked away from the camp, the opposite direction of the overhang, deep into the woods.

I scribbled on the book as I analyzed the different type of plants growing.

The soil grew drier as I furthered away from the lake, glancing around at my surroundings. The undergrowth was thick, but not as lush as the ones near the lake.

Makes sense.

I've been walking around for what felt like hours, writing non stop. Noon was approaching, but the air still felt cool thanks to the trees.

I stepped forward, feeling the ground beneath me move as I felt myself fall backwards.

My arms were flailing as I tried to twist my body so I wouldn't land on my back, ending up on my side.

I groaned as I did a check up on all my limbs, checking if I can still feel and move them all.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I felt everything was alright, slowly raising my body into a sitting position.

I cursed as I checked what had made fall, my eyes going wide when I saw what it was.

I reached out for it, carefully taking it from the ground, wiping the dirt from it.

It was a book.

I opened to the first page, giving it a quick scan, realising what it was.

This wasn't just any book. This was a diary.

I gulped as I read the name of the owner, written below with tidy handwriting.

Ilse Langnar.

Well, this Ilse must've had a real bad time, because there were red stains on the pages of the diary.

And it certainly wasn't sauce or ketchup.


I huffed as I plopped down in front of the dead fireplace, still clutching the book I had found.

I took off my jacket and gave it a quick shake, trying to get rid of as much dirt as possible.

My own notebook was safely placed beside me. I had gathered quite enough information for now. Perhaps I'll go again later in the day.

But I pushed every thought of the expedition aside, my mind solely focused on the bloodstained diary of Ilse Langnar.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the book to it's first page of the diary.

Judging from the handwriting, it was rushed. The person must've been hurrying when writing this.

Perhaps Ilse was on the run?

But from what?

My questions were answered as I began to read the distorted writing, my eyes widening in dread as the words entered my mind.

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