Chapter 33: The Confession

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I finally graduated middle school :D

Now to hear my scores :")


I choked on my meal. "Tonight?!"

The girl nodded. "I can't think of a better time than this. I'm doing it tonight."

I gave Petra a smile. Honestly, I'm both happy and worried for her.

I swear if Levi breaks her heart I'll--

"You'll still get me ice cream if he rejects, right (Y/N)?" Petra asked suddenly.

"Huh? Yeah, sure. Of course I would."

"Then that's all I need," she giggled. "Thanks (Y/N), you're the best friend and wingman."

The strawberry-blonde hugged me making me flinch slightly. I'm still not used to hugs.

She let go of me and wandered off, getting some peace and quiet before the big event.

I closed my eyes, digesting everything that just happened. I sighed and opened my eyes, taking another bite from my food.

I was hoping there'd be some taste, but it's still shit.

I chewed my food, staring at nothing.








A sad routine, I know, but who gives a fuck anyways.

From the side, a hand wandered to my food and took a chunk of it, making my eyes widen.

I whipped around to see Levi sitting beside me, his eyes on my food as he chewed the piece of food he stole.

Wait, that's not important!

Levi has OCD! How the hell is he able to do that? I thought he cared about hygine problems more than anything?

But I guess the exclamation slipped from my mouth before I could stop it.

"Hands off my food bitch!"

Levi looked up to me, raising a brow. "Well you fucktard, I'm hungry and there's no more food left. That's the last pack you're eating there you shit."

My brain's thoughts was everywhere. "But, that's unhygienic!"

The raven clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I'm going to starve to death if I don't brat. It's not like I have a choice."

I gave him a wary glance before handing him the half eaten food. "Here, have it. I lost my appetite."

Levi took the food in his hands, his gaze flickering back and forth from it and me. "Because of me?"


"Did you lose your appetite because of me?" He asked again, making me shake my head.

"No, I just had enough," I half lied, bringing my knees to my chest.

I did lose my appetite because of him, but it was mostly because of the guilt. I realised he was right.

Petra and I had eaten, but Levi hasn't. He's just been drinking hot water this whole time. I suppose the guilt got to me, and I couldn't even bare eating knowing he hasn't at all.

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