Chapter 34: Secrets Surrounds Me

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The sound of crickets filled my ears, along with the small waves of water.

I rubbed one of my eyes, blinking several times to clear my sight. It wasn't dawn, not yet. I woke up too early.

A small groan of annoyance left me as I realised I couldn't go back to sleep.

I shuffled and flinched in surprise when I notcied there was some sort of blanket draped over me.

Who the hell--?

I frowned, taking the blanket and folding it, placing it over my shoulder. I turned around, and nearly jumped.

Petra was sitting a meters away from me, her hazel eyes staring at me.

"Petra?" I exclaimed, sounding more like a question. "What are you doing here?"

The girl's mouth slowly formed her casual smile. "Couldn't sleep. But what are you doing here, sleeping by the lake?"

I shook my head. "Needed some time alone, guess I fell asleep."

"Guess I fell asleep?" She scoffed, her eyes hardening. "Do you know how easily it would've been for you to get hypothermia?"

"It wasn't that cold... was it?"

Petra walked to me, shaking your head. She gently grabbed the blanket from me, unfolding it and placed it over my shoulders.

"You're pale (Y/N), you're skin's so cold as well."

I raised a brow, touching my hand. Petra was right, I was freezing.

But how come I didn't feel anything?

Petra started to walk back, me following behind her. "I woke up a few hours before you. Levi was gone. Couldn't find him anywhere near camp, so I checked the lake and found you, dead asleep, freezing to death."

So it was Petra that gave me the blanket.

I smiled. How sweet of her.

"Did you check the forest?" I asked, and Petra shook her head.

"Too dark, flashlight ran out of battery. I don't know where he went, but I doubt anything happened to him."

"Should we go find him?"

Petra shrugged. "Be my guest. You can go find him. I'll guard camp."

She stepped back inside the tent quietly, leaving me alone outside. I breathed some warm air to my hands and rubbed them together, trying to heat them up.

It was still dark, yes, but I could faintly see the outlines of the ground.

If Levi isn't in camp or the lake, then he's in the forest for sure.

I walked towards the forest, slowly, carefully.

The last thing I need was to slip and fall, creating a shitty mess. I looked at the ground, trying to find a clue on where he went.

The ground.

The soil.

His footsteps.

The soil is damp. It would leave clear footsteps.

And I was right.

There were marks of steps, and judging from how it looked, he was running.

I followed slowly, gazing at each footstep with extreme examination.

It lead deeper, farther in the forest. At one point, it even led away from the usual route we had made.

Where the hell is he going?

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