Chapter 151-155

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Chapter 151: The Demon King is a Husband-Guarding Demon

Fortunately, today's dog food feeding didn't last long, and the federal diplomatic mission that everyone had been waiting for finally arrived, led by three middle-aged people and a young man who was about the same age as Gu Xu, with a slightly arrogant look in his eyes. Followed by a team of guards, their faces, like Rhodes's, were deeper than those of the Imperials, and they set their eyes on Gu Xu as soon as he came out, unable to tell whether it was provocation or appreciation.

Seeing this, several councilors ignored the fact that Ye Chen was secretly peeping at Ye Chen and ended up being stuffed with a mouthful of dog food. They hurriedly smiled and greeted him: "Welcome, friends from afar!"

The blond young man who looked not to be trifled with smiled and shook hands with several council leaders, and then handed over to the three people behind him, while he came straight to Gu Xu: "Marshal Gu, long time no see."

The person who came, Ye Chen, was no stranger. His name was Sac, and he was once the youngest lieutenant general in the federation. Because the two countries once joined forces to fight against the Zerg, the two youngest generals in their respective countries often competed with each other. In a few years, Gu Xu was promoted to marshal, leaving Sak behind early, and Sak...

"Long time no see, Lieutenant General Sack, I didn't expect that the person escorting the two foreign ministers this time is Your Excellency." Gu Xu smiled and shook hands with Sack, speaking in a calm and authentic tone.

Generally speaking, when the two countries meet, they will send people who are more tactful in speaking and doing things to visit. If Sac can come here, he probably volunteered on his own initiative. Since Gu Xu was promoted to marshal all the way, this federal lieutenant general has always been worried about it. I think it will be the same this time. In order to come and compete...

Sure enough, Sak's originally polite handshake suddenly became violent, with the same provocative expression on his face, he looked at Gu Xu with a sneer and said, "I'm sorry, I've already been promoted to general."

"..." Before Gu Xu could react to the seemingly provocative but self-defeating words of the other party, he felt his sleeves being pulled lightly, and turned around to see his little playboy He nestled neatly beside him, sighed and muttered in a low voice: "Is this general of the Federation your friend? The promotion is so fast, but it's a pity that you are already a marshal. At the top, you can't be promoted, hey !"

Gu Xu: "..." Although his little lion's protective heart towards him still makes him quite happy, but what's the matter with this strong sense of making trouble?

Obviously, Gu Xu's premonition was quite accurate. Sac, who was still arrogant, froze immediately when he heard the words, and finally he was willing to divert all his attention from Gu Xu to look at Ye who had just spoken. Chen said coldly, "Who are you?"

The star networks of the empire and the federation are not interoperable. In addition, Sac has been fighting hard to win military exploits for the past few years. It took a lot of effort to apply for the task of escorting the vice president and diplomats to the empire until he was promoted to general recently. , in order to raise his eyebrows in front of Gu Xu, but he was ridiculed by this guy who came out of nowhere!

Sac's face immediately turned black. Although the other party was only stating the facts, the meaning behind the words was clearly saying that he was not as good as Gu Xu!

Regarding Sac's thoughts at the moment, Ye Chen said: That's right, that's what I mean "('▽') ro" Cough cough! " Gu Xu put his arms around Ye Chen's shoulders, and introduced to Sak: "I'm sorry, let me introduce, this is my partner Ye Chen!" "

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