Strangers in a Strange Land

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(Location: Unknown)
(Time: High noon, 295 AC)

On a beach in a place that stretched on as far as the eye can see the sun was just reaching its apex. At the end of the beach was a tree line giving way to the deep jungle that was so thick it seemed as if it repelled the light, or maybe if swallowed the light whole for it to never escape.

However on this beautiful beach there was a blemish, an oddity which seemed out of place on this natural wonder. A boy no older than 1 and 3 name days old was currently passed out on a broken piece of ship.

(Jon POV)

I gasped as my body twitched and I woke up from the darkness I felt myself enveloped in. My eyes felt blurry as I tried to lift myself up with my arms only to immediately fall back down "Seven hells" I groaned as I flipped myself onto my back.

Looking up at the sky I could only think about how beautiful it was, 'I don't think I've ever seen a day like this in the north' I thought to myself.

I managed to push myself into a sitting position and was looking around 'Okay I'm on an empty beach in a place I do not recognise where the heat is very nearly unbearable' realisation was now starting to kick in.

"Oh Fuuuuuu.."

(1 Minor breakdown later)

"Okay, father always said to remain calm in the face of adversity" I quote to myself while slapping my cheeks.

"Though I think he meant that in regards to my sword fighting and not being stranded in an unknown land" I sigh while thinking about how I even got here in the first place.

(Two Weeks Ago)

The Stark family was Currently on their way to White Harbour as they were invited to Wylla Manderlys Name day and as such it was a big event where Lords would feast and reveal in stories. However most lords brought their unwedded and unbetrothed family members as places like these were perfect to negotiate and create new alliances.

Such was the thinking behind Wyman Manderly cunning old schemer that he was, he wanted a betrothal with one of the Stark family. White Harbour was the richest City in the north and by linking their families together the Manderlys could only become greater.

Though that's not saying that Wyman wasn't loyal to the current warden of the north. Like a majority of the northern houses they were incredibly loyal to the Starks, though that doesn't mean they can't hope to raise their own family a little bit.

(Wyman Manderly POV)

"Come on come on they will be approaching very soon and it all needs to be perfect "I exclaimed loudly as I walked as fast as someone of my size walk through the castle kitchens.

I nearly collided with a servant as he came running into the kitchens from the corridor "Milord I'm afraid we only have a few bottles left of the arbour gold in the castle cellars" A servant said while gasping for air.

"Well run to the the docks and buy some more!" I shouted with spittle coming out of my mouth and landing on the poor tired lad.

"Everything must be perfect, all the lords of the north will be here including the Starks. We don't want them thinking we are a bunch of copper counters do we" I say loudly to everyone in the room.

"You, lad" I say pointing to the out of breath boy that just came running into the kitchens.

"You will run down and buy 20, no 50! Bottles of arbour gold and any other exotic wine they may have" I say while tossing a coin purse to him.

"But milord I was actually just about to sit down for a minute and have my lunch that my mother made for me" the servant says with tear filled eyes as he shows me a small knapsack filled with a homemade meal.

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