The Last Dragons

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As the crowd disbursed Daeron decided it was best to get Daenerys and her family out of view 'I suppose it's our family' he thought to himself as he approached his Uncle Viserys and squatted down "Are you injured? Can you walk" he asked through his uncle was still looking at him with an open mouth not even registering what he was saying 'They must think I look like Rhaegar' he thought as he grabbed his uncle by the arm and lifted him off of his backside.

Daenerys not entirely oblivious to the situation frowned "Mother? Brother? What's wrong why are you looking at... you know I don't think you told me your name before either" she said with a sheepish smile as she turned to Daeron.

Daeron smiled at her awkwardly "Is there somewhere we could go to have some privacy, I believe your brother could do with a maester as well" he asked though she just looked at him with slight confusion as she tilted her head.

Rhaella cleared her throat and composed herself "Yes we do, please allow us to escort you to our residence" she said politely as she quickly turned around and started to walk. Daeron nodded and put Viserys arm around his neck to help him walk, they all quickly left the courtyard and entered the large manse that was behind it.

"Thank you..." Viserys winced out as he limped, while he didn't have any serious injuries he was bruised quite badly and had a few gashes on his arms. Daeron noticed that he was quite light and slender, as if he had the body type of someone who did not eat enough "Please think nothing of it, I am glad I could help" he said to Viserys as they walked into the manse.

"I owe you a debt for keeping my sister and mother safe, the Khal was insulted that Daenerys did not show and demanded my mother keep him company until she did... I tried to protect them but I was useless" Viserys said with gritted teeth.

"They are safe now Viserys, had you not fought the Khal then your mother might not have been" Daeron said as he tried to comfort his uncle. They were allowed into the manse by the guards at the entrance and Rhaella ushered them all inside, she then caught the attention of a servant "Please can you fetch a healer and bring him to treat my son" she asked which was met by an immediate nod as the servant quickly hurried away.

Daeron helped Viserys to his chambers with Rhaella and Daenerys following close behind. Viserys groaned as Daeron lifted him onto the bed "You are deceptively strong" he commented with a slight chuckle as he adjusted himself to become more comfortable. Rhaella sat on the bed and stroked her son's head while Daenerys sat next to her mother "I'll allow you some privacy" Daeron said as he went to leave the chambers.

"No... I wish for you to stay" Rhaella said as she looked up from her son, she got up from the bed and approached Daeron looking at him closely, her eyes started to water again as she cupped his cheeks "Please tell me I am not dreaming... please tell me you are real" she asked.

Daeron felt his own eyes begin to water as he placed his hand above Rhaella's "It is not a dream, I am here Grandmother" he whispered making Rhaella lose her composure as she collapsed into him. Daenerys herself looked confused at his words before sudden realisation struck her and she placed her hand over her mouth.

Viserys smiled as his suspicions were proved correctly "I heard the rumours of your existence, but after the disappointment that Aegon proved to be I dared not hope you were real" he said his voice crackling slightly.

Daenerys looked at Daeron in awe and finally spoke "T-That m-means you are-"

"Yes I am Daeron Targaryen, Son of Rhaegar and Lyanna"


Arthur punched a man in the face just before he was shoved into the wall. He kicked the perpetrator and shoulder barged his way out of the tavern "Why are all the inns I've found full of such degenerates" he shouted as he threw a rock at the building, he sighed as he walked away running his hands through his pale blonde hair. It seemed the city was full and so were most of the Inn's and it wasn't difficult to understand why, he'd seen a disturbing amount of Dothraki around the city 'There must be a horde outside of the city' he thought to himself. When a horde comes most of the people in the outlying villages flee to the city for safety.

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