Shadow of the Colossus

278 11 2

(Location: Starry mountains?)
(Time: Dawn)

(3rd person)

"It truly is a magnificent day, we have hidden in the darkness for thousands of years forgotten about left weak and infertile, a dying clan"

"But today as the sun rises on the horizon so does it bring forth a new day and in this day the world shall be reshaped for he has awoken, he who was cast down has finally returned and with his return signifies the end of your false gods" Marlok exclaims with open arms as the whole mountain range can be seen trembling.

Cracks forming in the ground, Jon and everyone else struggle to stay up right it's as if the very earth is crumbling around them.

"But I'm afraid you will not be here to witness this new world" Marlok states with a malicious grin as he picks up his Warhammer with his other arm, still being strong enough to lift it with one hand.

"How about you take him this time, Arthur" Jon says with a helpless smile on his face.

"Might be a good idea" he replies with a grin on his face.

"Sansa and whatever your name is stay close to me there are still a lot of tribesman still alive" Jon says as he pushes Sansa behind him and grabs his sword off the ground.

"It's Rhaenys!" Rhaenys shouts with annoyance, Jon just looks at her with wide eyes as he sees the same colour eyes that he has, the stirring in his chest seems to be getting stronger now.

Shaking his head he refocuses himself as he gets ready to defend themselves.


"Please tell me that the mountain isn't talking" Rhaenys says mostly to herself.

"We might be in a bit of trouble" Jon says as he defends against the first brindleman attacking him, he sides steps and arcs his blade upwards slicing him from cock to head.

Then turns around and splits a man's belly open, he can see his intestines spill outwards as the man collapses backward shrieking.

Meanwhile Arthur is squaring up to Marlok who had a manic grin on his half melted face.

"So they sent the old man, was the young boy missing his mother too much" he says with a booming laughter.

Arthur says nothing and then spins his blade and with an overhead strike hits Marlok, but he blocks with the head of his warhammer and pushes Arthur's sword backwards in an attempt to push him off his feet, it may have worked on an amateur but he wasn't called the sword of the morning for no reason.

Arthur flows with the force of the push and ducks spinning around and dismembering one of his legs. Marlok falls down in pain as he grabs the stump of his leg.

"All brawn's and no brain, not even a challenge really" Arthur says looking down at the beaten man.

Before he can finish him the trembling starts to get worse and worse until it's difficult to even stand.

Jon deflects a hit from a brindlemans club, but before he can attack a rumble manages to drop him to the floor.

The brindlemen were not fairing any better but they could be seen with tears in their eyes and smiles on their face.

Arthur grabs Rhaenys and Jon grabs Sansa as they start to go up the path and get to the high ground.

Before Rhaenys leaves she attempts to grab the red stone from out of the pillar though when she does this Marlok screams at her and begins to crawl trying to get up is proving difficult with only one leg.

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