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(Princes Pass)

The sounds of hoofs hitting the ground echoed out through the night air as dark priests traversed across the battlefield looking for their prey. The tracks ended at the battlefield so they knew that Robb had either doubled back, managed to find a way to hide his tracks or he was currently hiding among the dead bodies that had yet to be cleared.

The smell coming from the battlefield was putrid, the smell of rotting flesh and death permeated the air. And right now Robb Stark was underneath a body that had maggots crawling throughout it, he had to stop himself from gagging, he couldn't afford to make a single sound or risk being captured once again. His mind was still hazy and he had trouble keeping his thoughts from straying, he narrowed this down to the effects of whatever had just happened to him.


Robb stilled as he heard a skull crack under a horse's hoof near him, he kept his body as still as he could make it. Though he couldn't help his heart from beating out of his chest, the worst part about these dark priests was that they didn't seem to talk, all Robb could hear were whispers on the wind, in a language that he couldn't even begin to comprehend.


Another skull was crushed as the horse took his rider closer towards where Robb was hiding 'They're going to catch me!' His mind raced as he thought about what they might do to him, but he calmed himself down as he remembered something more important. He had to find out what happened to Jon and make sure he was safe, he couldn't afford to get caught here, he wouldn't fail his brother again.


The horse was right next to Robb now and the rider jumped off before drawing a sword from beneath his cloak, he then started to stab the bodies with his sword as he searched for Robb 'How do they know where I am!' He thought to himself as his breathing started to get more and more ragged. The only option he could think of now was to jump up and attack the priest hoping he could incapacitate him before stealing his horse and leaving.

Sweat was looking around his neck as he heard the footsteps coming closer, however before he could think of standing up he felt his mind go fuzzy and his vision started to darken 'No! I can't!' Were his final thoughts before he lost consciousness once more. However a few seconds later his eyes snapped open and he gained awareness, he froze in fear as he realised that he wasn't hidden anymore but out in the open, he could see Dark priests scouring the battlefield for him as they stabbed their swords into the corpses that littered the field.

Robb noticed his vision was now exceptionally good, almost as good as it was during the day, he looked down and noticed that he had four powerful legs with hoofs at the end 'I'm a horse now?' He thought with confusion. He had to admit he didn't know much about how this kind of magic worked, just the stories about wargs and skinchangers that Old Nan used to tell him. He put these thoughts to the back of his mind as he refocused, from the horse's point of view he could see the priest getting dangerously close to where his body was hiding.

Robb did the first thing he thought of and he charged the dark priest in the body of the horse. It felt incredible running as a powerful Dornish sand stead, and it felt even better when he clashed against the priest who had not turned around in time. The man was thrown to the floor by the thousand pounds of pure muscle that hit him from behind, but Robb didn't stop there, rearing back on his back legs he stomped down his forward hooves smashing them on the priest's body. He did it until the priest stopped moving and even then he only stopped moving because his legs and arms were shattered beyond repair 'What are these people...' Robb thought to himself as he consciously tried to sever the connection he had to the horse.

It was difficult and took a moment but he managed to do it and with a gasp, he was back in his body, he already missed the sensations and power that he had as a horse but right now he had more pressing concerns. He pushed the rotting corpse off his body taking a gasp of air that hadn't passed through the putrid meat that was concealing him, he then quickly pushed his aching body up and rushed to the horse. He looked around and saw that no one had noticed what had happened yet, though the battlefield was pretty big so it was understandable and it's not like Robb is complaining.

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