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(Location: Westeros)
(Time: 1 day after Sansa and Jon left)

(3rd person)

Catelyn Stark was a very happy woman, ever since they arrived at White Harbour things had been going very well for her and her family. The city was as lovely as it was the last time she visited with Ned, it was beautiful, not as elegant looking as Winterfell but there is a certain charm that you feel with a port town that just doesn't compare to inland cities.

Ned had been engaged in a private meeting with Lord Manderley and from what he told Catelyn, a betrothal contract between one of the younger stark boys and one of his granddaughters was likely to happen.

This made Catelyn pleased as it freed up Robb her eldest and the current heir to have a nice southern bride.

'Not that I'm opposed to a northern bride... but they lack the elegance and demeanour that Winterfell so sorely needs' Catelyn thinks to herself as she walks through the Manderleys keep.

'Perhaps Ned could arrange talks with High Garden, the Tyrell girl is of a similar age to Robb, It would do good to bring the brightness and style of High Garden to Winterfell, mayhaps they could build a bigger sept, the one we have now is only suited for small gatherings' Catelyn ponders as she walks across a balcony overlooking the courtyard, it is only mid morning so only the guards and servants seem to be awake, with the exception of some of the younger children of the visiting lords.

'At least a match between Sansa and the royal family is all but guaranteed, The princess would've made a good bride for Robb but I don't think either family would be happy with having two marriages between them' Catelyn blows on her hands before heading towards the guest wing of the castle where most of the families of visiting lords are placed, as guests of honour Cat and Ned were both housed in the Lords wing.

Passing through the corridors and heading through the castle Catelyn can't help but be happy 'Things are going well for the family and I've get to run into that bastard again, mayhaps I'll be lucky and he will have disappeared for good' Catelyn thinks as she smirks to herself, right now she was on her way to wake up the girls when she turns a corner and runs straight into her eldest.

"Mother!" Robb says startled as he holds onto her to prevent her from falling.

"Robb! Be careful what're you rushing around for so early" Catelyn says still startled at suddenly walking into her son.

"Sorry mother but I was looking for Jon for a spar but he's not in his quarters, have you seen him?" Robb asks with a cool tone.

At the mention of his name Cat can't help but scowl, though she does her best to hide it in front of her eldest since she knew how much Robb loved him.

'If only he could see what I do, he's opening himself up to betrayal' Cat thinks as she sighs to herself.

"I'm sure that Bas-Jon is skulking around somewhere, perhaps check the  courtyard he could be training there" Catelyn says almost slipping in her usage of the word bastard.

"I've just been there, I've looked all over the castle, Arya can't find him either" Robb replies with concern in his voice.

'Good maybe he'll stay gone' She thinks to herself as she listens to her eldest.

"He'll show up, he always does, now not another word on it we will be expected in the Great Hall to break fast with the Manderleys so hurry and get ready" Catelyn says to Robb in a stern voice.

Sensing that he will not be able to convince her otherwise Robb just nods and heads back to his quarters to get out of his sparring outfit and into someone more befitting.

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