Those who were never saved

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(Location: Arthur's Tree)
(Time: Night)

(Jon POV)

We'd managed to make it off the forest floor and up into a tree that had been hollowed out, similar runes to what I'd seen in the cave were carved around where torch stands were held.

I've been struggling to get my thoughts together ever since I heard Arthur's story, even though he never came out and said it the story told me all I need to know about who my mother is.

'But it also tells me that Lord Stark isn't my father but my uncle and that my real father is Rhaegar Targaryen, the man who kidnapped my mother and raped her' I think to myself feeling sick to my stomach.

'I never thought even after how I was treated in Winterfell that I'd be more ashamed to be alive' I think shamefully to myself.

I turn away from the circular opening that we climbed through and look at Arthur who is taking off his scabbard and boots.

"I listened to you, we are out of the forest now tell me what I want to know" I said impatiently as I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him.

He didn't even flinch he just gave a small wistful smile.

"You look exactly like her when you narrow your eyes like that, I can't tell you how many times I've been on the other end of that stare, usually when I'd tell her she couldn't do something" he says with a small chuckle still taking off his boots.

I don't say anything continuing staring at him until he sighs and then looks up at me.

"Your father is Rhaegar Targaryen and your mother is Lyanna Stark" he says bluntly

"I gathered as much from your story of the tower of joy" I reply my arms still crossed.

"My father kidnapped my mother and raped her, why couldn't you've just not told me at all, I felt better about myself being known as the shame of Ned Stark" I say in a harsh voice.

Anger flashes in Arthur's eyes as he stands up "That was a lie!" He spits as he loses his temper.

"Rhaegar was one of the best men I've ever known, he would never do something so despicable" he continues

"I was with Rhaegar that day and she came with him because she loved him and did not want to get married to that usurper scum Robert Baratheon" he sneers

"Robert dishonoured Lyanna every night he went to a brothel and slept with his whores even though they were betrothed! Even though he strutting around Harrenhal claiming he loved her" he starts pacing around while breathing in and out trying to calm himself.

"Robert Baratheon is a weak man, barely even a man look at how he drinks and eats himself to death all because he couldn't get something he wanted like a child"

"Rhaegar knew her value and he asked her if she wanted to go with him, he never would've done something against her will" he says finally calming himself down.

"I'm sorry Jon I admit I lost myself there for a minute" he sighs

"But the point is Rhaegar loved your mother, I was there when the married each other and I've seen two people so happy" he says to me

"How could he have married my mother if he was already married to Elia Martell" I ask

"He annulled his marriage to Elia, he did love her but she could not bare him another child as she was already dying" Arthur says sadly quickly rubbing his eyes.

"How was she dying, what do you mean" I ask curiously.

"Crabs in the stomach or so the Maester said, it would spread throughout her body before the year was out" he explained

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