Dothraki Raid

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Daeron was currently sitting at the table on Daenerys balcony, it had passed sunset and they were enjoying the night air while sharing a drink. They had massively enjoyed each other's company while in the city so they decided they should just pick up from where they left off, except now Daenerys wholeheartedly believed in all the adventures that Daeron had been on.

Daenerys couldn't stop the laughter from coming out when Daeron told her of his and Arthur's trek towards the Starry Mountains in Sothoryos "I must say I am quite surprised that you and Arthur managed to make it there alive with the amount of bad luck you seemed to have" she said as she smiled towards him.

Daeron chuckled as well "I am unsure as well, though I'm sure a great part of it was luck so it evened out in the end" he said as she took a sip from his cup.

He then looked towards Daenerys "Tell me of your life Aunt, it can't have been easy" he asked and Daenerys nodded slightly.

"Please call me Daenerys or Dany, Aunt makes me feel old," she said with a small laugh "It was difficult, we nearly lost Mother after she gave birth to me but we were lucky to have a skilled maester willing to make the journey across the narrow sea to Braavos" she explained.

"After Ser Darry died and the assassins found us we realised we couldn't stay in Braavos much longer, so we went on the run from city to city" she told him as she looked at the table.

Daeron frowned "That must've been difficult" he said with sympathy in his voice.

"If we had not had Viserys with us I shudder to think what might've become of us, he did everything he could to keep us safe and fed. Whether it was working manual jobs or stealing food he did anything to keep us happy" she said her voice trembling slightly as she wiped her eyes.

Daeron placed his hand on Daenerys' "You have a noble brother, something we both have in common, I'll be glad to get to know him" he said trying to comfort her.

Daenerys nodded as she smiled "He certainly is, I just hope he'll recover soon, it hurts knowing he is injured because of me"

Daeron shook his head "It is not your fault Dany, he fought knowing what would likely happen, the one at fault is Illyrio for setting up this damn betrothal, but don't worry by noon tomorrow it'll be over" he said reassuringly.

Daenerys stood up from her seat and walked over to Daeron before embracing him "Thank you..." she whispered into his ear before withdrawing and kissing him on the cheek "I think I'll retire for the night, today has been quite eventful"

Daeron nodded and stood up "I believe I'll retire as well, it has been quite a long day for the both of us" he said as he kissed her on the cheek before leaving her room.

Daeron walked through the lavishly decorated corridors of Illyrio's manse, he couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful it was 'Perhaps when this is all over I could build myself a manse like this' he thought to himself as he turned into the guest wing where his room was.

As he entered his room he sighed and slumped his shoulders, he'd only arrived a short time ago and yet so much had happened, he was starting to feel like he'd never get a moment of peace. His mind was drawn back to Old Town and the time he spent there with Margaery helping out at the orphanage, he had to admit that was some of the best moments of his life, a simple life like that suited him well.

Daeron took off his sword belt and undressed himself getting completely naked before walking carefully to the bed to not make any noise. He slipped into his bed and under the blanket, he felt himself harden as he saw the naked form of Ashara, he wondered if she had even asked for her quarters or if he'd told his Grandmother she'd be sharing his but either way Daeron was content. He slipped behind her spooning her from behind, she instinctively snuggled into him and he wrapped his arm around her, she wiggled her backside against Daeron which made him tense slightly, but he quickly found himself drifting off as he held her.

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