Heading out

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(Location: Salladhors Hideout)
(Time: Morning)
(1 week left till Full Moon)

(3rd person)

Jon had woken up early and had already stoked the fire outside of the tent he slept in, he was contemplating what he would do when all this was over.

'Will anyone in Winterfell be happy to see me' Jon thought to himself as he poked at the fire, he looked into the flames focusing on the movement, it seemed to sway to the left and right before forming something.

He saw the city that they were in, everyone was fighting, but they were losing, he couldn't make out who the enemy was but he could make out one person, the king was standing on the Toad statue with his arms thrust out at his sides, he seemed to be laughing maniacally as the whole island was being swallowed up by the sea.

A hand on Jon's shoulder seems to bring him out of what he was seeing, he snaps his head around to see Joy standing there, she had a dreamy smile as she looked at Jon.

"I did try to call you but it seems your mind was in another place, don't worry happens to me all the time" She says lightly as she sits next to Jon already cuddling up to him. They sit there in a comfortable silence for a bit before Jon decides to try and get to know her Better.

"Have you thought about what you'll do once we get back to Westeros" Jon asks as he looks at the girl leaning on his shoulder. Joy doesn't answer for a minute before leaning up straight and looking at Jon.

"As silly as it may sound being taken by slavers was the best thing that's happened to me" she says bluntly completely surprising Jon.

Before Jon can say anything she keeps talking "I'm not stupid Jon I know how badly things could've turned out, but they didn't and I got to meet you and Sansa" she continues with a large smile.

"I care about my parents but it's hard to say I love them, they're both so involved in themselves they don't really see anyone else" She says with a sad smile.

"I was hoping I could stay with you" she says looking down at the fire no longer facing Jon.

Shocked at seeing vulnerability for the first time from the blonde girl Jon can't help but smile.

"If that's what you want you're welcome to stay with us" Jon says simply as he holds onto Joys hand, this cheers Joy up immensely as she snaps her head up and gives Jon a huge smile.

"That's marvellous" she says before hugging him.

"You also need to take responsibility... since you bought my body and it has yet to be used" she whispers in his ear before biting it drawing a blush from the young lad as well as sending a pulse straight down to his groin.

Nervously laughing Jon just decides to play it off, before Joy takes her hands and uses them to turn his face.

"Jon be careful when you go to the keep" Joy says snapping into a serious demeanour.

"Joy it'll be fine I can handle stealing something" Jon says waving her off.

"It's not that Jon..." Joy says quietly.

"It's the statue, it concerns me" she continues.

"Why it's just a statue" Jon says confused at why it would concern her.

"Jon how much do you know about black stone" Joy asks

"Not much, it's close to unbreakable, some places in Sothoryos were built out of it, it also seems to absorb magic" Jon replies surprising Joy as she hadn't known the last two hits of information.

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