Basilisk Isles

272 10 3

(Location: Pirate Ship)
(Time: Sunset)

(3rd person)

After being taken aboard the pirates ship the four were introduced to the captain who was so unimportant they didn't even bother remembering his name has he gave his threats about what would happen if they ran and how much coin they'd bring him the group mostly tuned it out, Sansa leaning her head on Rhaenys pretending to be scared but actually grabbing a few moments rest as she hates the girlish sound in his voice.

Jon and Arthur just wanna get to their cell it's been a long day and they wanna grab some sleep, after the pirate finishes droning on and on he finally commands his crew to take them to the cells beneath the deck.

After being thrown in there together due to lack of space Jon and the girls sit on one pile of straw while Arthur sits on the one opposite them. "I never thought the guy would shut up, he couldn't be a more generic slaver if he had tried" Arthur groans out as he lies down noting his hands were still tied he bends his arms in the opposite direction and turns one and slides the other one out easily.

Jon just lights his arms on fire burning the rope to ash, Rhaenys does the same though on a much smaller scale and it takes a bit longer. It turned out sansas arms were so thin and her hands so small they didn't tie the rope properly around it so with a few pulls it just fell off.

"Don't be too harsh Arthur we had some lovely lads help bring all our luggage aboard" Jon says with a chuckle which elicits one from the group.

"We're finally going home Jon" Sansa says with excitement as she leaned into his left side with a smile on her face.

"Yes we are..." Jon says a little more unenthusiastically, he hadn't told Sansa that he wouldn't be joining her back in Winterfell when they he dropped her home, with how close they became he didn't have the heart to tell her and make her cry, but he knew putting it off even longer was a worse idea.

"I wonder if there's any wine onboard" Rhaenys wonders out loud as she leans into Jon's right side.

"Definitely would make this to faster" Arthur adds on as he starts to lie down.

After a few hours below deck Jon goes to the wall of the cell and burns a hole in it with his fingers and looks through to check how late it was.

"Alright I'm gonna head to the kitchens anyone want anything?" Jon says getting the groups attention.

"Cake... and Wine!"

Putting his hand over his face Jon sighs "I meant real food, and wine doesn't even count as a food" Jon states as he looks at the gluttons sitting down beneath him.

They don't reply to him at all and just pout, it looks cute on Sansa and Rhaenys but seeing a man in his 40th decade pout like a child really snapped Jon back to reality.

"I'll be back soon" Jon says before heading to the metal gate and creating a high pressure flame extending from his finger, he does this to cut off the lock and the gate swings open.

Sneaking his way isn't difficult as at night the ship is reduced to a skeleton crew and after a year dodging and avoiding some of the most deadliest animals in the world, drunk pirates barely able to read just aren't on the same level.

Heading into the pantry Jon is shocked at the amount of fruits, cheeses and meats they had available, there were 4 different shelves loaded with wine above the food.

'This must be the captains pantry, there is no way this gets shared with the crew, grabbing a basket that was on a nearby table Jon fills it with cheese, meats and fruits and take two bottles of what look like Dornish Red 'Rhaenys and Arthur will like that' Jon thinks to himself as he puts it into the basket.

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