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(Location: Gogossos Harbour)
(Time: Late Morning)

(3rd person)

"Arthur... you can dock us right" Jon asks with uncertainty in their voice as they get ever closer to the docking port. Jon can be seen standing next to the Arthur by the wheel of the ship who was awkwardly scratching his head.

"Yeah of course... maybe" Arthur says with a uneasy smile on his face as he directs the boat.

"I'm lowering the anchor we can keep the ship out here and take row boat to shore" Jon says resolutely as he heads down the steps to the anchor wheel.

"Could've at least let me try" Arthur mutters to himself as he lets go of the wheel, he follows Jon down the steps to help him drop anchor.

"Oh we've arrived?" Rhaenys asks as she can be seen coming out of the captains cabin, Sansa trailing behind her they approach the duo as they strain their muscles doing the work that usually took 4 men, Rhaenys and Sansa can be seen appreciating Jon's physique as he had claimed some of the pirates clothes in order to better blend in, he was wearing a sleeveless brown leather jerkin with no shirt underneath, he also had some black breeches on and black boots he had taken from the captain.

Arthur remaining the knight that he was decided to stick with the nobleman clothes he acquired from Zamettar which include a white tunic with a sleeveless black doublet with black breeches and brown boots.

"Yep, can't trust Arthur not to ram us into the docks so we've decided to leave the boat just outside the harbour and take a rowboat to shore" Jon states while looking up at the girls. He saw that they had gotten into their disguise by taking some of the clothes worn by the small pirates, though they insisted on washing them first, even in men's clothes both girls were a vision of beauty with the male clothes not doing a good job of hiding their curves or in Rhaenys case large chest.

Finally having dropped the anchor, Jon when to go lean on the side of the ship and enjoy the view of the ocean, Rhaenys and Sansa joining him, Arthur went and grabbed something from the captains cabin, throwing a small pouch at Jon, he looked in it to see numerous gold and silver coins.

"We don't want to stay here any longer than we have to so it's best we split up, Me and Rhaenys can handle recruiting anyone who looks even remotely trustworthy and you and Sansa can handle supplies" Arthur says in a serious voice as he addresses the three who were currently leaning on the edge of the ship.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad Arthur why can't we stay around it's the first place with actual people we've seen in over a year" Sansa says with a smile as the sea breeze blows through her hair.

"She's right we should take the opportunity to relax a bit" Jon added with a small smile at Sansa who looked dreamily back at him.

"Jon this isn't Naath, we aren't going to arrive to a welcoming party of dancing, drinking and songs about peace and love" Arthur says as he sighs.

"It's much more likely that they'll try and kill both of us and then take Sansa and Rhaenys for concubines or just sell them" He continues as he looks at the three seriously.

Jon thinking that Arthur is exaggerating can't help but roll his eyes, 'Compared to Sothoryos this place will probably be a haven' Jon can't help but think to himself. But considering that Sansa and Rhaenys could be in danger he decides it wouldn't hurt to have some precautions.

"Sansa, Rhaenys you should wear those hooded cloaks we found, you two are very beautiful so I don't want the pirates getting any ideas" Jon says seriously, Rhaenys preens at the attention while Sansa blushes profusely before they both head back into the cabin though not before Rhaenys gives Jon a kiss on the cheek.

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