Starry Mountains

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(Location: Miners shack outside Starry mountains)
(Time: Morning)

(3rd person)

As the sun stretches across the sky illuminating the lands beneath it, the wildlife starts to sleep and the only thing that can be heard is the sounds of birds and insects.

In the disused miners shack Jon can be seen still sleeping as he rests peacefully dreaming about being at home with his family.

"WAKE UP!" Arthur shouts pulling Jon off the crooked bed he found himself in and dropping him on the floor.

"AHHH!" Jon screams as he scrambled around trying to find a weapon and to discover the source of the disturbance.

Once he looks up and sees Arthur's smirk on his face he relaxes but gets immediately pissed off getting up and pushing him while the older man chuckles.

"Seven hells Arthur you couldn't just let me sleep" Jon shouts at the older man as he sits himself back on the bed.

"It's almost noon I thought you'd slept enough" Arthur says simply as he leans on the wall next to a window and looks out of it.

"Well you wouldn't be saying that if you'd been awake last night" Jon says grimly as he rubs his eyes.

"What happened?" Arthur asks "And how did we get out of the city".

After Jon explains what happened last night and where he found him, as well as the man he met Arthur looks shocked but then approaches Jon and places his hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Jon" Arthur says sincerely but then he cuffs the back of Jon's head to reprimand him.

"But you shouldn't of risked your life so senselessly like that, the gate of the lock was open, you could've just sailed right out of the city" Arthur says sternly as he crosses his arms.

"You know I would never of done that so I'm quite surprised you even asked in the first place" Jon says with a chuckle as he stands up.

"Do you have any idea who saved us" Arthur asks with concern.

"Not that I don't appreciate it but nothing in this world is ever free" he continues.

"No I don't, but she did us a massive favour by helping us this far she saved us weeks of travel, so I'd rather focus on saving Sansa and getting the hell out of here" Jon says as he starts to pack up.

"I see you have some new armour and a sword" Arthur says with humour in his voice.

"What was it you said, oh yes maybe I can find a dragon bone bow and then hop on a dragon after finding a Valyrian steel sword" he mimics Jon's voice as Jon just sighs as he feels a headache begin to form.

"Can we do this later, you woke me up so we should really get going, climbing this mountain won't be easy" Jon says seriously.

Arthur frowns and then puts a hand on Jon's shoulder "Jon she's fine we'll save her" he says reassuringly "But try and relax, a rigid swordsman will never improve beyond a certain level, it's the problem your uncle had snd even your father" he continues.

Jon sighs closes his eyes and then breathes in and out "You're right, I'm just anxious when we are so close to our goal" Jon says.

"Then we better get going" Arthur says with a smile before lifting his bag up and walking towards the door.

Jon getting the last of his things does the same.

(Outside the shack)

Outside the shack they walk straight to the bottom of the mountain it seemed to stretch all the way up to the sky with sheer cliffs and jagged edges.

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