First Sparks

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After a few days of hard travel Daeron and Shiera had finally made it to the capital of Dorne, he had landed his dragon a good distance away as he didn't think that creating such a panic would be necessary, especially in times such as these with war just over the horizon. He walked through the sand as he made his way towards the city, he could see it in the distance as it sat just beside the ocean. He hoped Doran would be agreeable to providing him with the venom that he needed, Ashara had protected his children at the cost of her own body, what sort of man would he be if he did not do his utmost to save her?

Doran was his uncle by marriage, and though the circumstances of his birth may be a problem, he hoped that knowledge of Rhaenys would make him more likely to give him what he needs. It is also possible he'll clap him in chains and throw him into a cell, which would not surprise him, he was partially responsible for the war that was brewing and if needed he would take responsibility for that fact.

As he got closer he felt more nervous with every step he took though it was overshadowed by his determination to save Ashara. The gate to Sunspear was open during the day as many people from the surrounding villages as well as traders poured in so he had no issue going inside, he had to admit that it was a pretty impressive city with a completely different type of architecture than what he had seen before. He wasn't entirely sure where he was going so he assumed that the biggest building would be where the Martells resided, rather childish reasoning he thought but usually true.

He just hopes that he wouldn't be forced into getting violent.


Oberyn Martell walked hand in hand with his paramour Ellaria Sand through the streets of Sunspear, he was enjoying her company before he had to travel across Dorne to pick up his runaway niece, he thought it best to drain his balls as much as possible otherwise he'd end up sneaking Ellaria aboard the ship he was scheduled to take for Starfall, while he was used to going long periods without an intimate touch, he did not like it nor did he wish to voluntarily put himself in that position.

"Mmm Oberyn, look at that one there" his Paramour purred into his ear as she pressed herself against him, he looked in the direction she had gestured to, the boy was extremely attractive, though that wasn't what bothered Oberyn, it was the fact he looked very similar to a man he had met long ago, someone he did not like at all.

However, he was brought out of his thoughts by Ellaria "Oberyn? Shall we invite him to tour with us, the poor boy seems lost"

Oberyn put thoughts of Rhaegar Targaryen to the back of his mind, he was long dead and he didn't need to think of him "We shall my love, it is not every day we meet a lad prettier than both of us combined" he said jokingly getting a small giggle from her.

And they were right Daeron was lost, he had thought it an easy case of heading straight towards the keep, but he kept on hitting dead ends and had to double back, his frustration seemed to peak when he was approached by Oberyn and Ellaria "You seem lost my friend, perhaps we can assist you in finding what you seek" he said with a smirk on his face.

Daeron looked at the strange couple that approached him, though they seemed nice enough if they offered to help him, so he smiled at them "My thanks, I am a bit lost if you know the way to the keep I'd appreciate the help"

Oberyn raised an eyebrow at his destination "And why might you be going to the keep, are you perhaps a nobles son or a hedge knight looking for a new lord"

Daeron shook his head "No such thing, I am just in search of a rare venom that has medicinal properties, I heard the snakes the venom came from were bred in Sunspear"

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