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(Oberyn's Camp)

It was the dead of night when Oberyn and Aegon walked through the camp with only their weapons and a knapsack full of their personal belongings. Oberyn had ordered the boat to be prepared ahead of time and in secret, he trusted his daughters with the task so he knew that it would get done.

"Uncle, are you sure that we should leave without saying anything?" Aegon asked as they snuck through their camp.

Oberyn nodded "No one can know where we are going, if something has happened in Sunspear then it would be unwise to let them know we are coming." He explained, Aegon nodded in understanding as he adjusted his sword belt.


Oberyn grabbed Aegon and dragged him behind a tent, he looked around the side to see who was approaching but he saw nothing. For a moment he waited just to make sure that there was no one there, however as he inspected his surroundings his gaze was drawn to a glint that was moving across the ground, squinting his eyes he saw what looked to be a rat with something metal in its mouth.

Oberyn breathed a sigh of relief, while it was likely one of his men would be wandering around he didn't want to take the chance that 'Rhaenys' caught both of them trying to leave. The fear of them being caught made him chuckle to himself, that the Red Viper of Dorne would be scared of a mere child but he couldn't control the shiver that ran down his spine every time she looked at him, it wasn't logical or fact-based but he believed that if she caught them two trying to leave tonight then something bad may happen.

"Let us go." He whispered before they emerged from behind the tent and continued on their journey towards the bay, their ship would take them along the Sea of Dorne where they would go into the Narrow Sea and straight to the port of Sunspear. Oberyn would find out what has happened to his brother, he just hopes that he's not too late.

"Uncle I do not feel it is right for me to leave Rhaenys while she is pregnant with my child, I should at least let her know that I am leaving," Aegon whispered to Oberyn as they walked side by side.

Oberyn turned to Aegon and grabbed him by the shoulder losing his patience "Think about something else other than a wet hole for you to put your cock in!" He whispered back loudly "My brother is in danger, Rhaenys has the protection of the Golden Company, we do not need more people knowing we are travelling once more than five people know it may as well no longer be a secret." He said chidingly to Aegon.

While Aegon looked to have taken Oberyn's words on board he spotted a look of guilt on his face, Oberyn grabbed him by his collar "What did you do!" He said no longer bothering to whisper. The look of guilt on Aegon's face intensified making Oberyn even more concerned "What did you do Aegon!!!" He shouted again.

"I-I left a letter for R-Rhaenys, telling her we would be leaving." He stuttered out as he looked at the panicked expression on his uncle's face.

"Did you tell her where we are going..." Oberyn asked.

"Why what-"

"Did you tell her where we were going!" He shouted

"No! I just said we would be undertaking a secret task and that I must go with you." He said.

Oberyn breathed a sigh of relief but he was still concerned as at any moment 'Rhaenys' could see and read the letter, and they were not yet on the ship. He let go of Aegon and pushed him in front of him "Let's go." He said coldly before they continued.

However something seemed to change in the atmosphere, the sounds of insects and animals ceased, and the sounds of men who were still awake and talking ceased. Oberyn felt a chill run up his spine, he looked around and saw the torches go out from where they had just come. Oberyn had never run from anything in his life, not from lords or knights but then again he had never seen or felt anything like this before.

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