First light Upon the New World

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(AN: Ngl guys made a bit of a blunder last chapter, when I was speaking about the ritual I accidentally said new moon, don't ask why probably cause I'm an idiot, but nah the ritual is complete after the first light after the full moon)

(Location: Gogossos)
(Time: Midnight)

(3rd person)

The full moon was illuminating the silent streets of Gogossos, it was completely devoid of any life a stark contrast to how it usually was, as if all the life had been sucked out of the once bustling city.

The only sounds heard were the blood curdling screeches and the sounds of feet running, Jon still holding onto Asha's hands had made it onto the main road to the harbour looking back however he saw that the creatures catching up with them, though their long and wide feet were clearly designed for swimming they made up for it with their powerful corded muscles in their legs that gave them an explosive burst of speed.

Jon looks at Asha and sees she's still not with it, her eyes are still filled with terror and she's barely able to run, if Jon hadn't been pulling her along she probably wouldn't be moving at all. Seeing a small alcove he Jon takes a drastic course of action he pushes Asha into the alcove and turns around in order to face the monstrous abominations.

This wouldn't be easy Jon would be at a disadvantage with his sword so he'd have to rely on his magic. Thrusting his hand forward Jon shot out a cyclone of flames though these were the regular orange flames not the superheated violet ones, he needed to conserve his strength as he had no idea what could happen tonight.

As the raging inferno launched straight towards the creatures they tried to avoid the flames, one of them tried to launch itself to the side though it was unsuccessful as more than half of its body got caught in the fire almost roasting it, however the over decided to jump straight up into the air, that combined with its momentum had it heading straight for Jon.

Cursing Jon rolls to the left, the impact of the creature was enough to dent the stone road making Jon a lot more nervous. He gets up from his roll and spins around quickly facing the fishlike creature, it keeps opening its mouth like it is talking though what it is saying he has no clue, it could be a different language or the remnants of what was once human speech.

Jon lifted his blade the creature was too close to use magic now if it pounced while he shot fire at it then he'd be crushed underneath it. Getting into a low stance Jon gets ready for the inevitable clash.

With a screech the creature charged at Jon as soon as it's feet leave the ground in a pounce Jon slides underneath it slicing its bulbous belly. Though he can't help but feel shock when he realises that he'd lost his grip on the sword, the creatures skin was tough and the muscle was dense, that in addition to the momentum of the creature was enough to tear the sword from Jon's hand.

"Shit" Jon says to himself as he looks at his sword that is still impaled into the pale green stomach of the creature, the creature looked to be in a large amount of pain though that pain very quickly turned into anger as it turned its large maw towards Jon.


Jon was very quickly trying to come up with a plan but he realised he didn't have enough time, holding both hands up he smacked them down on the floor chanting a Valyrian spell he had read in his fathers journal and a wall of flames erupted into existence.

The creature not expecting such an explosion of heat and light backed up and fell over. Finally having some breathing room Jon tried to come up with a plan but all his plans would have a bad outcome, if the creature can keep avoiding my blasts then I'll eventually tire out. Generating the fire the way he does is tiring when done for long periods of time.

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