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(Location: Top of the Hill)
(Time Midday)

(3rd Person)

Jon and Arthur can both be seen standing at the top of the hill with their swords drawn.

Jon strikes overhead at Arthur and Arthur just blocks the strike and steps to the right letting Jon's blade slide off the end making him fall forward and into the hilt of Arthur's sword that he gets bashed with.

"Your footwork is good and I'm sure against people who don't know how to use a sword you'd be a god" he says while snickering. Jon attempts a side swipe which Arthur casually leans out the way of, Jon then keeps attempting to hit him.

"I agreed that we'd attempt to save Sansa if you could manage to strike me in a week but at this rate I don't think you'll do it in a year" he continues while dancing around Jon's blade as if it wasn't there at all.

Eventually Arthur decided to act and their blades collide together and with s quick twist and flick of his sword disarms Jon and catches his sword with his other hand.

"You are a natural fighter, even better than Rhaegar was but you have a long way to go" Arthur says before handing his sword back to him.

"Now from now until sundown I want you to practice cutting this leaf in half with your sword" Arthur states before kicking a lone tree nearby causing it to rustle and leaves to fall off in s single motion he draws his sword and swipes upwards.

To Jon's utter disbelief 5 leaves are separated in the air and with little to no sound of the sword even being drawn.

"Good luck" Arthur snorts before going to a nearby rock and sitting down and reading the journal that was in the cave.

For the rest of the day Jon attempted the remarkable feat of swordsmanship after the first two hours he managed to hit the leaf with his blade but the wind pressure from the blade would make it difficult to hit the leaf as it would cause an updraft.

As the sun soon starts to set Arthur shuts his book and gets up to see Jon completely exhausted as he continues to attempt to slice a leaf in half.

"Come on Jon we can continue tomorrow" Arthur says walking up behind him.

"Just...a few... more tries" Jon states between breathes as he wipes the sweat away from his brown.

"There is no need Jon, you definitely got a lot further that I would've though you could today" Arthur says with a big grin on his face.

" mean" Jon huffs out between breaths looking up at him.

"No one can just cut a leaf in half after one afternoon of trying, you'd have to be some sort of god to do that, but you managed to touch the leave which is a large part of this training exercise" Arthur says with a smile as he puts his hand on Jon's shoulder.

"Knowing where the leave will be and being able to hit it are two very different things and the fact you were able to do it in a few eyes speaks to your monstrous talent" Arthur says before clapping me on the back.

"Come we need to start your magic practice, though starting from tomorrow we will spar before and after every exercise" Arthur laughs malevolently before walking back down the hill.

(In the cave)

Jon and Arthur sit in front of each other with a bottle of water between them.

"Rhaegar believed that instinct was only half of a Valyrians magic and that emotions were the other part" Arthur says while gesturing with his hands.

"It's why I didn't say anything when I knew Sansa had been taken, you need to remember that feeling that caused you to use your magic" Arthur continues

"I felt frustrated, angry and helpless" Jon states as he looks down with clenched fists.

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