Where we are now

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(Location: Zamettar)
(Time: Midday)

(One year later)

(3rd person)

Jon was currently sitting on a tree branch outside the abandoned city of Zamettar contemplating all that had happened in the past year while fiddling around with his bow.

'I'm glad things turned out okay and that we've managed to get some relative normalcy in this place ' Jon thinks to himself as he nocks an arrow and waits.

'I still can't believe Rhaenys jumped right in the water after me once she saw me fall in that small lake, if it wasn't for Arthur I'm sure she would've stayed down there with me' he continued.

The sun was beating on his skin through the leaves of the tree making him sweat a bit.

'I guess we got lucky finding this place when we decided to head back towards the coast, barely any animals come inside the city and most of the dangerous insects can be dealt with' Jon thought while aiming his bow at the creature beneath him.

But before he could release his arrow another arrow hit the creatures neck and it struggled before collapsing on the floor.

'Damn it' Jon thought so himself as he jumped off the branch and onto the forest floor.

"You can come out now, you win again" Jon says with exasperation as he looks up.

With a tussle of the trees Sansa can be seen she jumps from a higher tree and swings on the branch Jon was just sitting on and lands right next to him with a smug smile on her face.

"Is that a sore loser I hear Jon" she says while chuckling and holding onto his arm.

"Don't worry I'll try to easy on you next time" she says with a smirk as she retrieves her arrow from the small beast.

"Please master huntress I don't think I even know how to hold the bow when compared to your skill" Jon says sarcastically as he removes his shirt and hands it to Sansa.

In the past year training with Arthur and hunting in the surrounding Forrest has managed bulk Jon up though his muscle is mostly dense and compacted making him far stronger than someone for his size should be. He's also grown a few inches and is just 6 inches smaller than Arthur.

Sansas face flushes as she sees her cousins naked torso, she starts feeling a warmth pool between her legs.

'Mother warned me about when I'd grow into a woman but I didn't think it would be so distracting' Sansa thinks to herself as she turns around.

Sansa has changed a lot in s her body as become curvier and her assets have grown slightly but not much. She has also packed on some muscle but has mostly remained lean.

Ever since after the events of the stone god rising, Sansa felt like she was just deadweight so she asked Jon to teach her how to fight so she could stand next to him rather than beside him.

She turned out to be useless at most weapons but she was decent at the short sword and dagger, but the place she really shined was the bow, she's a true prodigy when she uses it and after being taught the basics by Jon it wasn't long till he was surpassed.

Jon then picks up the creature and puts it around his neck holding it from both sides a little blood gets on him but that's why he took the shirt off in the first place.

Walking back to the city with their latest catch they look at all the buildings which even after thousands of years are still standing.

They get to the city harbour which just so happens to be the place where they're staying and head for a large mansion.

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