Lord of Winterfell

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(AN: ya know someone pointed out that joy already told Sansa and the group about people thinking she were being kidnapped and they were 100% correct 😅😅😅 tbh I write this story mostly late at night or early morning but don't worry I'll pull a plot point that barely makes sense out my ass, Also check out my new Fic may be a bit different than this one but you might like it)

(Location: White Harbour)
(Time: Morning)

Right now Jon and Sansa were in an alleyway held close together trying to avoid the prying eyes of people.

"Did they really think I kidnapped you!" Jon whisper shouts to Sansa who has a a bit of a helpless smile on her face.

"What..." Jon says to Sansa as he notices the look she has on her face.

"Now Jon I don't want you to get angry" Sansa says though it doesn't improve Jon's mood nor change his non impressed expression.

"Well, Joy did mention that people had thought you'd kidnapped me" Sansa says with a shy smile with both her hands clenching each other.

"What!" Jon shouts before getting his voice back in control.

"You knew! Why didn't you say anything!" Jon whisper shouted at Sansa who winced.

"A lot was going on at the time and I mostly just thought it was Joy being Joy" Sansa replies trying to explain herself.

"I really am going to be executed by my uncle" Jon says to himself as he seemingly looks off into the distance.

"You'll be fine Jon we'll explain everything once we get back, okay?" Sansa says to Jon kissing him on the cheek, though her kisses had been very close to the corner of his mouth lately.

'Heeeyy Jon, thought you might want to know there's a squad of guards heading towards the Harbour, might want to get Sansa to cover her hair it's a big giveaway' Shiera says to Jon from high up in the sky.

"Shit, Shiera says there is a squad of men coming this way, looks like we don't have time to get horses we will have to walk to Winterfell" Jon says to Sansa.

Over a year ago Sansa probably would've complained about having to walk but spending so much time in the wild and in dangerous places, a walk in the north seemed quite lovely. Jon grabs onto Sansas hand and they hug the buildings avoiding people where they can, Sansa puts the hood on her cloak up to hide her red hair while Jon does the same. They both look very suspicious but it would be better someone think they are scoundrels than recognise them.

They managed to sneak out of the city hiding below a merchants wagon, avoiding a conflict with the guards. Breathing a sigh of relief they both laugh a little at the situation they find themselves in.

"At least I don't have to fight anymore ancient horrors here, just the usual wolves and bandits" Jon says out loud to Sansa who chuckles.

It was nice for Sansa to spend time with Jon, she'd not had much time alone with him for a long time especially now that Rhaenys was going to have a baby. Sansa was more intelligent than people gave her credit for, meaning that if people are going to fuck right next to her she'll notice and she'll also notice when banging noises come from a room and Jon and Rhaenys are the only ones gone, like In Zamettar.

She didn't know how to feel at first, she was glad that Jon and Rhaenys were so happy together even if she was raised believing incest was wrong, but that wasn't the main reason she felt so conflicted. She was in love with Jon, totally and completely, finding out they were not siblings but cousins was the best day of her life, she could be with Jon without the guilt that they were doing something wrong.

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