Going Home

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(Old Town)

Margaery sat on her bed not saying a word to anyone as guards and her grandmother inspected her room for any more assassins. Sansa and Arya were being held in their room until their innocence could be decided, as they believe Lucerys to have been the man responsible for the dead guards. Margaery would've spoken in their defence but she was still shocked by the revelation that Lucerys, the man she had come to know and had come to love was someone else.

He was Daeron Targaryen a contender to the Iron Throne, one of the most wanted people in Westeros, as of this moment she hadn't told anyone what she knew, how could she? She was utterly in love and it turned her into a fool. Though now she wondered if she even knew him at all, if he lied about his name mayhaps he lied about everything. She wanted answers and two people had them.

Margaery stood up and removed the creases in her dress and left her room, she went to the next corridor where they were being kept "Stand aside" Margaery commanded as she stands in front of the two guards.

The two guards look unsure but eventually follow her commands and stand aside allowing her to enter the room. She comes into Arya who was standing in front of Sansa and she seemed to be acting out a fighting move where she bashed someone's head against the wall "And then we run free" Arya states.

Margaery sighs "Please don't harm any of my family guards, they're nearly doing their duty"

They both jump at Margaery's presence, Sansa looks concerned while Arya looks annoyed "Have you sent a letter to our father" Sansa asks resolutely expecting the worst but much to her surprise Margaery shakes her head.

"I have not... no one else knows of your identities but I" Margaery states much to their confusion.

Margaery shifts uncomfortably "I'm not sure if Luce-Daeron mentioned me before but we've spent quite a bit of time together"

Arya huffs "He never stopped talking about you! Every time he got back to the Inn it was Margaery this and Margaery that" she mocks much to Sansa's amusement.

"Even when he had his cock in her mouth he mentioned you" Arya added getting a slap on the arm from Sansa who blushed.

"Arya! She doesn't need to know that!" Sansa whispers loudly as she reprimands her sister, while Arya looks sheepish and sits down and stops talking.

Margaery stands in front of the two with her arms crossed "I want to know if he lied to me, he's the first person that I-... it doesn't matter I want to know everything about him, the truth otherwise I'll tell my grandmother about you two" Margaery states with determination as she wipes a stray tear from her eyes.

Sansa smiles softly and stands up grabbing onto Margaery's hands and pulling her to the bed between her and Arya "You must've fallen for him, it's okay we understand" Sansa whispers into her ear as she rubs her back.

"One thing to know about Daeron is that he's a horrible liar, so he'll mostly just omit the truth in most cases, the biggest lie he probably told you was his name" Sansa explains.

Margaery feels a weight lift off her shoulders at the news "Did he really go to Sothoryos? He said he'd tell me of his time there but dancing shadows? And giant apes seemed so fanciful"

Sansa giggles "It's true, I was with him at the time, we were shipwrecked there, our time there was truly wondrous and also completely terrifying"

"Can you tell me about it?" Margaery asks as Daeron had only given her the bare details of his time there.

"Of course, though I spent most of the time after we arrived captured," she said sheepishly.


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