The Doors of Stone

216 9 5

(Old Town)
(Week after the Melee)

Daeron woke up with a gasp, he tried to sit up but his body ached a lot, he noticed he was in an unfamiliar bed inside a very extravagant room "Lucerys calm down you are safe" He heard a familiar voice say from beside the bed.

Turning around he saw Margaery who had just stood up from the chair she sat in and approached him to check if he was okay "What happened?" Daeron asked groggily as he struggled to sit himself up against the headboard of the bed.

Margaery sat on the edge of the bed her hands on her lap, though she wasn't facing him while she talked "After you defeated the Mountain you fell unconscious, the tournament Maesters were going to heal you but Garlan stepped in and decided that he would hire the best Maesters available from the citadel to rent to you at our manse, he said anything less would be dishonourable as you saved his life" Margaery explains.

Daeron smiled at the chivalrous act, it was rare to see people behave in such a way these days. Daeron had to get up soon and find out where the girls were.

'The girls!' Daeron thought in a panic.

'Glad to know I only slip your mind occasionally, you might end up breaking this poor maiden's heart one-day' Shiera said through their link.

'I'm sorry Shiera I would never forget about you' Daeron said to her in a pleading voice.

'Calm down Daeron, I know... I was worried though, I know you could've killed him easily using magic which is why I didn't step in. But it was hard to hold back watching you get hurt that way' Shiera replied her voice sombre.

'I'm sorry Shiera, I promise to try and not worry you again' Daeron says to her.

'You better' she says cheekily as she stops talking.

Daeron finally refocuses on his surroundings, he sees Margaery and she's still not looking at him, he reaches for her and puts a hand on her shoulder "Margaery? Is something wrong? I am sorry for worrying you, the truth is I underestimated my opponents"

Margaery rubs her face with her hands "It's my fault... it's because my grandmother caught us spending time together that you nearly got killed" she says in a low trembling voice.

Daeron knew this of course, Loras' comment to him made that all clear but he didn't blame Margaery for it "Margaery look at me" he says softly to her, though she shakes her head not wanting to be seen crying.

Daeron cleaning his teeth and working through the pain of his aching muscles and healing wounds grabs Margaery's arm pulling her onto the bed. He looks at her face and he can feel his heart beat a little fast as he ends up on top of her.

Even with tear stains running down her face she's still beautiful, he cups her face "Margaery... if it meant I would have never met you and our time together be a distant memory I would get out of bed right now and fight in that tournament again" he said softly to her.

Margaery feels her heart explode at his words, her tears stop and her golden brown eyes meet his starry blues "Kiss me... and don't stop" she says to him.

He needs no more invitation as his mouth connects with hers, his bare and bandaged chest mashing with her clothes almost pushing her large breasts out of their confinement. The finds herself spreading her legs for him, her body knowing what it wants, she wraps her hands around his head gripping his silver locks as he grabbed hers in return. She can feel his hardness rub against her through her clothes and a shiver of pleasure and excitement runs through her body.

She wants to be taken by him, she didn't understand how she could utterly fall for someone in such a short amount of time. Daeron removed himself from the kiss, their bodies were both flush as they breathed heavily their breath mingling together as their bodies were entwined.

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