Chapter 13: Strange Phenomenon Begins

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Knowing that Han Li had injured his foot, Zhang Tie personally brought the food to his room, prepared to have a meal with him.

Han Li couldn't help but find it amusing to see Zhang Tie clumsily arranging things in his room, moving chairs and fiddling with the table, but he was also touched by his gesture.

Once they settled at the table, they chatted about random topics while eating, occasionally exchanging insights into their cultivation.

Whenever "Elephant Armor Technique" was mentioned, Zhang Tie would roll his eyes in frustration.

Zhang Tie's fear of the later stages of the "Elephant Armor Technique" was understandable. Anyone who knew that he would have to endure even more torture than before would have trouble sleeping at night, restless and unable to eat.

Han Li admired Zhang Tie's perseverance in sticking with it and not giving up. He himself wouldn't practice such self-torturing martial arts, even if it could make him a top-notch martial artist overnight.

As they chatted, they finished dinner. After Zhang Tie hurriedly cleaned up the dishes, he bid farewell and reminded Han Li to rest early to recover from his foot injury.

Han Li stood at the door, watching Zhang Tie leave, then hurried back into the room, closed the door and windows tightly, leaving only a vent window open for ventilation. He then took out the bottle from his pouch and began studying it again.

Han Li, still just a teenager, soon grew tired of fiddling with it when he couldn't make any progress, especially with his foot injured and feeling fatigued. Unconsciously, he leaned against the bed with the bottle in hand and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep when suddenly he felt a chilling sensation on his hand.

Han Li shivered and reluctantly opened his heavy eyelids, looking dazedly at the strange hand that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Suddenly, he sat up straight, his mouth wide open, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth without him noticing. He no longer felt sleepy, completely stunned by the sight before him.

Visible white light gathered from the only open skylight in the room, converging onto the bottle he was holding, forming tiny white dots the size of grains of rice, surrounding the entire bottle with a thin layer of white light.

The white light was extremely soft, not dazzling at all, and the chilling sensation emanated from this faint white light.

Han Li swallowed hard, feeling the coldness in his mouth, and suddenly woke up, hastily throwing the bottle aside and crawling to the other side of the bed.

After cautiously observing for a while and finding no danger, he cautiously approached again.

The bottle surrounded by white light appeared exceptionally beautiful and enticing, with a hint of mystery.

Han Li hesitated for a moment, gently poking the bottle with his fingertip.

It was cool! Other than that, there was nothing special.

He looked up and saw that white threads of light were still falling from the skylight, showing no signs of stopping.

Han Li glanced at the closed doors and windows and then at the open skylight above.

He had an idea and gently pushed open the door, peeking outside.

Fortunately, it was late at night now, and apart from the occasional chirping of autumn insects, it was quiet outside, with no one around.

Han Li retracted his head, turned around, and quickly grabbed the small bottle, stuffing it into his pouch, then ran out in a hurry.

He ran until he reached a secluded, uninhabited open space before stopping.

After scanning the surroundings with his eyes to make sure there was really no one else here, he carefully took out the bottle again and gently placed it on the ground.

The white dots that were originally near the bottle disappeared completely after it was put into the pouch.

But Han Li wasn't worried.

Sure enough, after a while, countless more white threads of light converged from all directions. Then, countless white dots appeared around the small bottle, forming a large glowing sphere the size of a basin.

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