Chapter 68 Poisoning

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As for another spell, "Divine Eye Technique," after witnessing the extraordinary "Fireball Technique," Han Li also had high expectations for it.

However, after casting it, Han Li realized that this spell was just a small technique of using mana on the eyes, with no difficulty at all. It was very simple to master.

But its effect was commensurate with its difficulty. It was simply an auxiliary spell used to observe whether a person's body possessed mana and the depth of their mana.

At first, Han Li was also very enthusiastic about it, constantly using the "Divine Eye Technique" on his own eyes, and then using his eyes after casting the spell to observe the condition of his body. As a result, he saw a faint white light enveloping him, and the closer it was to his dantian, the thicker the white light appeared.

It seemed that this was the so-called mana. After seeing it, Han Li couldn't help but reach out and touch the white light, but he didn't feel anything. It seemed that mana was just like true qi, both intangible and formless, and could only be observed under the "Divine Eye Technique."

However, after using it several times in a row, Han Li completely lost interest in it.

Because in the entire Seven Profound Gate, he was the only one who could be considered half a cultivator. Who would he use the "Divine Eye Technique" to observe? He couldn't just narcissistically stare at himself all day!

So, in addition to intensifying his practice of the "Fireball Technique," hoping to be able to skillfully use it in actual combat, Han Li shifted his interest to several other spells that he had not yet learned, starting from scratch and practicing and experimenting bit by bit, hoping to make further breakthroughs.

Thinking about the difficulties of practicing other spells, Han Li, who had recovered some strength, couldn't help but sigh again. He found that since he started practicing spells, he had sighed much more often than before.

"Dang, dang..."

A deep bell rang from outside the valley.

Han Li frowned. Recently, he didn't know what was going on. It seemed that there were suddenly more people coming to seek medical treatment, and most of them had external injuries such as broken hands and feet, knife wounds, and sword wounds.

He couldn't be negligent because saving lives was like fighting a fire. He grabbed his pre-prepared medical kit and left the house, heading straight to the valley entrance.

At the exit of the forest outside the valley, Han Li saw a senior disciple dressed in brocade clothes, pacing anxiously under the big bell, as if he were an ant on a hot pot.

As soon as he saw Han Li, he immediately became delighted and hurriedly approached.

"Doctor Han, you're here. My master has been poisoned severely, and it seems like he's on the brink of death. Please hurry and see if you can detoxify him."

As this person approached, Han Li realized that he looked familiar. He had seen him a few times before. He was Ma Rong, the proud disciple of Elder Li, ranked fifth in the sect. He had accompanied his master, Elder Li, to Divine Hand Valley and had seen Han Li a few times, so he could be considered a familiar acquaintance.

"Poisoned?" As Han Li hurriedly followed him on the road, he asked about the details inwardly, thinking about whether he still had any poison left on him.

"Yes, my master got into a fight with a master from the Wild Wolf Gang while doing business down the mountain. He accidentally ingested a dark cyan pill from the opponent. At first, he didn't pay much attention to it and even killed the opponent. But as soon as he returned to the mountain, he immediately fell into a coma and hasn't woken up since."

"Have you consulted other doctors?"

"Of course, we have. If it were an ordinary poisoning, I wouldn't have bothered Doctor Han. Those quack doctors only knew that my master was poisoned with a rare poison and didn't know anything else. They didn't even dare to prescribe a medicine." Ma Rong said disdainfully, showing his dissatisfaction with the other doctors.

After listening, Han Li's expression remained unchanged. He just uttered an "oh" and buried himself in the journey with the other person, but he was a bit skeptical in his heart.

To be honest, he was not very good at detoxification. If it was about treating internal or external injuries, he relied on a few good medicines and had some confidence. If he had to detoxify some rare and massive poison, he really had no clue.

Although he also had a holy medicine called "Clear Spirit Powder" that could detoxify all poisons, there were countless poisons in the world. Who knew if "Clear Spirit Powder" would work? Would it be able to detoxify this poison? Moreover, the other doctors on the mountain were not useless people who ate for nothing. They had some unique methods for treating injuries and detoxification, otherwise, they would have been kicked off the mountain by the several bigwigs in the sect long ago. They cherished their own lives very much and wouldn't keep a bunch of useless people.

But now they didn't even dare to prescribe a medicine, indicating that this poison was really tricky, not something ordinary. He could only adapt to the situation and respond accordingly. Even if he couldn't save him, it wouldn't ruin his reputation. After all, no real doctor could cure all diseases and refuse none. It wouldn't have much impact on his status within the sect.

Just as Han Li was carefully considering countermeasures, Ma Rong almost half supported Han Li and hurriedly pulled his sleeve, rushing towards Elder Li's residence.

Looking at his hurried appearance, Han Li knew that their master-disciple relationship was indeed very deep.

Han Li felt a little sad because he thought of the relationship between himself and Doctor Mo, which was nominally master and disciple but actually rivals. If their relationship could be as harmonious as Ma Rong's and his master's, that would be great.

Deep down, he actually had some respect for Doctor Mo, after all, his strong medical skills and Longevity Art were all taught by him.

But it was a pity that fate played tricks, and Heaven destined that the two of them could not coexist in the world. They ended up fighting, and Doctor Mo died unexpectedly at his hands.

While Han Li was sighing emotionally, Ma Rong had already led him to Elder Li's residence

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