Chapter 69: Li Feiyu and the Young Girl

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Elder Li's residence was neither luxurious nor spacious, just an ordinary civilian house surrounded by a simple courtyard with a two-meter-high, half-meter-thick earthen wall enclosing it. Through the half-open wooden gate facing the entrance, many visitors could be seen inside the courtyard.

Upon entering, Han Li realized that there were actually many more people here than he had seen from outside. They gathered in small groups, whispering about Elder Li's condition.

Han Li had heard that Elder Li was one of the few kind-hearted figures in the Seven Profound Sect, rarely arguing with junior disciples or colleagues, and never seeking power or profit within the sect. Naturally, he was highly esteemed by everyone, making his popularity surprisingly good. Now that Elder Li was in trouble, those with some status naturally came to visit, whether sincerely or just for appearances' sake, resulting in the scene of so many people gathering.

As soon as Han Li entered, he was recognized by the people in the courtyard, and those with lower status, such as guardians, immediately surrounded him, eagerly greeting him.

"Doctor Han, greetings!"
"Doctor Han is here!"

The sound of warm greetings filled his ears, impossible to ignore.

Seeing the enthusiastic faces, Han Li smiled politely in return, though inwardly he felt somewhat disgusted by these false social niceties.

Fortunately, some higher-ranking individuals, such as deputy hall masters and dignitaries, maintained their dignity and simply nodded to Han Li without approaching him.

Their behavior earned Han Li's favor, as he was spared from having to greet more people.

Marong, being of low status, could only watch anxiously as Han Li engaged in these social exchanges with others. Finally, when Han Li finished greeting the last person, Marong rushed up and grabbed Han Li's arm, pulling him into the house.

This brash behavior earned disapproval from those who hoped to establish a relationship with "Doctor Han," but Han Li seemed to smile wryly, inwardly pleased to avoid offending more people.

Thus, Marong dragged Han Li into the living room.

There weren't many people inside, just a few family members, two elders, and Vice Master Ma. However, what surprised Han Li was that Li Feiyu was also present.

This was quite unexpected for Han Li, as he knew that Li Feiyu had no relationship with Elder Li. Why would he be here?

Just as Han Li was full of questions, he saw Li Feiyu standing beside a petite young girl, comforting her. This attentive demeanor was quite different from his usual attitude towards others. It was clear that he was completely ensnared by the girl's charm.

Seeing Li Feiyu caught in the girl's web of affection, Han Li suddenly understood and couldn't help feeling surprised and amused.

He carefully observed the girl's appearance, curious to see what kind of beauty could captivate Li Feiyu, a reckless and unruly figure.

The girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a jade hairpin adorning her head and wearing a lotus green dress that complemented her petite figure. Her dark hair was tied into two braids, giving her already sweet face a mischievous look. However, her eyes were slightly swollen from crying, making her look pitiful and evoking a desire to protect her.

"Hmm! She's truly a genuine beauty," Han Li marveled inwardly, feeling a twinge of envy. He wondered when he would have such a confidante.

Perhaps noticing Han Li's attention on the girl, Marong hurriedly introduced the people in the room to him.

Han Li had already met Vice Master Ma and Elder Qian, so there was no need for further introductions. He immediately greeted them respectfully.

"Vice Master Ma, Elder Qian, greetings!"

"Hehe! Doctor Han is here!" Vice Master Ma appeared very approachable, not putting on any airs in front of Han Li.

"Why call me 'Doctor Han'? Why add the 'little'?" Han Li couldn't help but silently criticize him.

Elder Qian, on the other hand, nodded indifferently, in stark contrast to Vice Master Ma's attitude. However, Han Li didn't take it to heart, knowing that Elder Qian practiced a special internal technique that required him to be indifferent to emotions, treating everyone the same.

The other elder, a burly man with a red face, was unfamiliar to Han Li. He had never met him before, but his rough palm and sturdy fingers indicated that he had practiced special martial arts.

"This is Elder Zhao, a close friend of our master. He has been working outside the mountain, overseeing the Gathering Treasure Hall. He only returned to the mountain a few days ago," Marong explained.

Elder Zhao responded with a nonchalant grunt and a nod, his eyes showing a strong sense of suspicion towards Han Li, clearly doubting the medical skills of this young doctor they had invited.

Since Elder Zhao didn't seem to have a favorable opinion of him, Han Li didn't try to curry favor with him either, simply greeting him with a calm tone and intending to bypass him.

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