Chapter 27: Blending Spirit Medicine

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Before Doctor Mo returned to the mountain, Han Li knew it was safe to use this bottle temporarily in the Valley of the Divine Hand because he was the only one there, and no one would casually intrude into the valley. This ensured that no accidents would occur during this period, allowing him to confidently use the small bottle.

Han Li estimated the time for Doctor Mo to return to the mountain and believed that it was unlikely for him to find good medicinal materials nearby. He probably had to go to remote areas like deep mountain forests where few people ventured. Only in such remote places was there hope of finding rare medicinal materials. However, with the round trip and the time spent searching for medicinal materials, it would take at least nearly a year to return to the mountain.

It had been nearly half a year since Doctor Mo descended the mountain. It was estimated that he would return to the Seven Profound Sect in another six or seven months. During these days before his return, Han Li could only try to produce as many useful herbs as possible, following the rare formulas he knew, without wasting the green liquid blindly.

The medicines Han Li was about to produce, which would help increase his power and break through bottlenecks, were all premium divine medicines that Doctor Mo had wanted to formulate but couldn't gather the necessary materials. Each of these medicines, if placed on the market, would bankrupt ordinary families and make martial artists fight desperately for them as rare treasures.

Even with Doctor Mo's profound medical skills, he had never seen any of these medicines, let alone made them himself. Although Doctor Mo knew the formulation methods for these divine medicines, he could only sigh because he lacked the necessary materials.

Han Li had been very interested in these rare formulas when he was learning medicine from Doctor Mo before. Although he never hoped to be able to formulate these extremely precious medicines himself, he still recorded quite a few of these formulas. Doctor Mo had a nonchalant attitude towards Han Li's enthusiasm for learning these formulas. Whenever Han Li asked, Doctor Mo would patiently explain without any intention of concealing anything. Doctor Mo probably thought that these formulas were tasteless and insignificant.

Now these formulas had become Han Li's treasure. He diligently used various rare herbs according to the required years indicated in the formulas to cultivate herbs. He dared not relax at all because time was running out for him. He had to prepare these medicines before Doctor Mo returned and then store the bottle away securely, never using it casually on the mountain again.

Han Li had no confidence in using the small bottle in front of Doctor Mo without revealing any clues. He knew very well that Doctor Mo was a shrewd and cautious person, and he never entertained the idea of revealing the secret of the bottle to him.

Han Li felt that the relationship between him and Doctor Mo was very peculiar, far from being as simple as an ordinary master-disciple relationship.

Doctor Mo often looked at him with a strange gaze, making Han Li always feel that he was hiding some disadvantageous secret from him. Especially in the past year or two, this feeling had become even stronger for Han Li. This prevented Han Li and Doctor Mo from being as intimate and open as ordinary master-disciple relationships.

In daily life, Doctor Mo treated him very well, never hitting or scolding him. Moreover, he spared no effort to create the best conditions for his cultivation. However, there seemed to be a barrier between them, always creating an awkward atmosphere.

Doctor Mo was obviously aware of this crack, but he showed no intention of repairing the relationship between master and disciple. He continued to act as he pleased and only urged Han Li to progress in his cultivation techniques. However, when he looked at Han Li, the strange look he used to have seemed to gradually diminish, and it hadn't appeared for a long time.

But Han Li's keen intuition vaguely told him that Doctor Mo hadn't truly given up on some kind of scheme against him; instead, he had cleverly concealed his intentions. In this case, Han Li became even more cautious, so how could he dare to let Doctor Mo know the secret of the bottle?

Han Li had learned a ironclad lesson from many historical records: "Never harbor malicious intentions, but never be without precautions against others."

Whether Doctor Mo truly meant him harm or it was just his own misconception, it wasn't a bad thing for Han Li to be more vigilant towards Doctor Mo. If Doctor Mo really intended to harm him, strengthening his defenses could prevent him from being hurt. If it was his own misjudgment based on intuition, then it wasn't wrong for him to be more alert. He wouldn't actively do anything to deceive or harm his master. He, Han Li, would still be a good disciple to Doctor Mo and fulfill his duty as a disciple.

Thinking of this, Han Li felt somewhat uncomfortable. The peculiar master-disciple relationship between him and Doctor Mo was probably unique in the Seven Profound Sect. He couldn't help but sigh.

The bottle must not be used again after Doctor Mo's return. This was certain. After all, there were no walls without cracks. Even if he was lucky enough not to be discovered by Doctor Mo, others in the Seven Profound Sect might stumble upon the secret. The safest option was to store it away as if nothing had happened.

Han Li made all the necessary preparations and resolved to securely store the bottle away and never use it casually again. With this decision made, he relaxed and fell asleep on the bed.

In the following months, Han Li secretly used the green liquid in the bottle to cultivate a large number of precious herbs. He used these herbs to prepare many rare medicines according to the formulas. However, there were also many failures in the process of preparation, each failure causing Han Li considerable distress. After all, the herbs used to make these medicines were all rare materials, and each failure represented a considerable loss of resources. However, this couldn't be blamed on him. Everyone was attempting these formulas for the first time, so a few failures were inevitable. Even if Doctor Mo personally attempted to make these medicines, he would also have one or two failures. Han Li could only console himself in this way.

The "Yellow Dragon Pill," "Clear Mind Powder," "Golden Marrow Pill," and "Nourishing Essence Pill," these rare and precious medicines were all placed in more than a dozen small bottles, arranged neatly in front of Han Li. Han Li looked at these medicine bottles, his face filled with joy. With these miraculous medicines, not only could he achieve the fourth layer of the technique, but he could also reach the fifth or sixth layer without much effort.

Among these medicines, the "Yellow Dragon Pill" and "Golden Marrow Pill" were most helpful for his cultivation, both having the miraculous effect of increasing power and transforming the body. The "Clear Mind Powder" was a rare antidote in the world, capable of neutralizing thousands of poisons. Finally, the "Nourishing Essence Pill" was a miraculous medicine effective for both internal and external injuries. No matter how serious the injuries were, as long as one consumed a pill, even if it couldn't bring back the dead, it could immediately heal the injuries, greatly reducing the severity and ensuring survival.

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