Chapter 190 Black Boots

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At the spot where Fēng Yuè had stood before, besides the pair of legs in boots, there was nothing left on the ground. Han Li's bag of spoils was also nowhere to be found.

Han Li sprung up and rushed over in a panic, but even after searching for a long time, there was no trace of the bag where Fēng Yuè had disappeared.

"Could the power of the Heavenly Thunder Child be so great that it turned both the person and the bag into ashes?" Han Li circled the area, finally coming to a frustrating conclusion.

Despite his reluctance, Han Li expanded his search range, but with the same disappointing result. However, he did manage to pick up the small mirror and crystal ball belonging to Duo Bao and a small knife talisman that had reverted to its original form due to its owner's death.

Han Li looked at these three items and then thought about his losses: the Heavenly Thunder Child, the Silver Hook, the Blue Cord, and the bag destroyed by the Heavenly Thunder Child. He couldn't help but shake his head in frustration.

However, no matter how one looked at it, he was still the winner after this battle, much stronger than Fēng Yuè who had turned to ashes.

Han Li couldn't help but mock himself, unsure whether he had gained or lost in the end.

At the thought of Fēng Yuè, Han Li instinctively glanced at the only remaining thing of him in this world—the pair of legs with only the lower part intact. He shook his head lightly and then raised his hand, releasing two fist-sized fireballs, heading straight for them. Since the person was already dead, it was only natural to completely destroy this thing to avoid any trouble if others were to find it.

With two light "bangs," the flames immediately engulfed them, and in the blink of an eye, everything except the pair of black boots turned into ashes.

Satisfied, Han Li nodded and turned to leave the place.

"Boots? No, that's not right!"

"How could ordinary boots remain unscathed under fireball attacks?"

Just as Han Li took a small step forward, he immediately realized his mistake and quickly turned back, looking at the seemingly ordinary boots with a strange expression.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed something suspicious. Not only were the boots undamaged by the fireball attacks, but there was also no trace of burning, and they even emitted a faint aura of spirituality.

"An artifact?" Han Li wondered suspiciously.

After hesitating for a moment, he took a few steps forward and picked up the black boots!

"Thin, soft, but very resilient! They shouldn't be made of cloth or silk, but rather seem to be made of the skin and fur of some kind of animal!" Han Li concluded after touching them for a while.

As he got closer, the faint aura on the boots became more apparent to Han Li.

Indeed, this was an artifact! And most likely made from the skin of some kind of demonic beast.

Looking at the pair of boots, Han Li vaguely thought of something. He couldn't wait to take off his cloth shoes and put on these leather boots.

Very comfortable, very soft, as if wearing nothing at all! That was Han Li's first impression after putting on the boots.

He carefully examined the boots on his feet for a while, but nothing strange happened.

Furrowing his brow slightly, Han Li took a small step forward.

With a "whoosh," Han Li's figure suddenly flashed, and he floated lightly to a spot about ten meters away.

"Flying Wind Technique! No, much faster than Flying Wind Technique!" Han Li thought in surprise.

At this moment, the secret of Fēng Yuè's incredibly swift movements was finally revealed to Han Li. It must have been thanks to these boots that he could move so strangely and quickly, like lightning.

Wearing the boots, Han Li began to move slowly in the small open space, gradually familiarizing himself with the boots' performance. As he walked faster and faster, he even used the Smoke Weaving Steps to accelerate.

If Han Li's agility had been at its limit before, making his figure blurry and even leaving behind afterimages, then after putting on the boots, his speed was so fast that there were faintly several identical illusions of him appearing in the field at the same time, all making the same movements and wearing the same smile. But when all the illusions gradually converged towards the center, they merged into a single figure of Han Li standing in the middle of the field.

Han Li stood motionless in place, as if contemplating something. But suddenly, he burst into laughter, bending over and laughing so hard that tears almost came out.

After laughing for a long time, Han Li, who was still bent over, flashed with a blue light, and his whole person suddenly turned into a gust of wind, disappearing into the air.

At this moment, the entire area fell silent, except for the occasional rustling sound of the wind blowing over the ground, there was no other sound.

A series of thunderous noises suddenly rang out, and nearby trees began to split apart one by one from the middle in a strange manner, with the cut surfaces smooth and slippery like mirrors, but there was clearly no one around.

The speed at which the trees split apart out of thin air became faster and faster. In a moment, all the trees within dozens of meters were reduced to bare stumps.

Han Li, enveloped in a faint blue light, finally reappeared with sweat all over his body, but with a slight smile on his lips and a face full of undisguised joy.

The Smoke Weaving Steps, the leather boots artifact, and the additional boost from the Flying Wind Technique had allowed Han Li to move so quickly that he could temporarily evade the pursuit of ordinary people, disappearing as if invisible.

According to Han Li's estimation, even with the extraordinary vision of cultivators and the enhancement from using the Heavenly Eye Technique, when they exerted their full power, they would only see a faint shadow in his eyes, enough to pose a huge threat to them when they hadn't activated protective spells.

Now, as long as Han Li had a thought, he could immediately cross any distance within a few meters, even a dozen meters away, taking only a breath to arrive.

Of course, this speed that surpassed the limits of the flesh could only be maintained for a very short moment. If the time was too long, the whole person would completely collapse. After all, with Han Li's current body, such high-speed movement was still too much of a strain.

However, for him, this short amount of time was enough for him to kill dozens of opponents in an instant, especially when using the silk thread artifact, increasing his power exponentially!

Han Li lowered his head, feeling the leather boots on his feet with emotion for a while, feeling that this item was perfect for him. Even if someone wanted to exchange it with a treasure, he would never consider it!

With renewed confidence, Han Li eagerly surveyed his surroundings.

When he saw the body of the woman in the yellow shirt, he sighed lightly, then used a small fireball to blast a large pit and crudely buried the woman's body on the spot. This was the limit of what Han Li believed he could do.

After doing all this, Han Li flashed and disappeared into the dense forest. He had to hurry to the central area now.

However, Han Li did not

know that after the massacre on the first day, there were only more than seventy disciples left in the entire forbidden area, nearly half of the original number. Most of the elite disciples of various sects had promptly arrived near the central area, ready to start the second day's hunt.

All those considered weak by them would be ruthlessly eliminated one by one.

Of course, Duo Bao, who had already died, and Fēng Yuè, who had been killed by Han Li, were originally among those assumed to be slaughterers. But now that they were dead, everything had naturally dissipated.

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