Chapter 53: The Handsome Man

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Upon hearing this, Han Li couldn't help but shudder. But what followed shook him to the core, making him realize that there were still many things in the world that he didn't know about.

As Mo the Physician shouted, the seven peculiar blades embedded in his body began to tremble, emitting a buzzing hum from their ghostly heads. The sound grew louder and sharper, as if they were coming to life and trying to break free from him.

Seeing the blades seemingly acting up, Mo the Physician became somewhat irritated. He muttered something under his breath, too softly and quickly for Han Li to catch, but it was likely nothing pleasant.

Mo the Physician stood up, walked around the room, and eventually stomped his foot in frustration. He reluctantly extended a finger and inserted it into one of the ghostly mouths.

Incredibly, the lifeless ghost head closed its mouth on its own, using its large fangs to viciously bite down on the offered delicacy and gently suckle it.

Mo the Physician's body trembled slightly, as if enduring immense pain. With his face obscured by the black mist, Han Li couldn't see his expression, but it must have been grim.

After about the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the ghost head finally finished feeding and released its grip, silencing the humming.

Mo the Physician then repeated this process with each ghost head before reluctantly retracting his finger.

Once he had done all this, Mo the Physician performed the same hand gesture as before, murmuring under his breath.

This time, the seven peculiar blades didn't tremble or make any noise. Instead, they simultaneously opened their eyes, revealing blood-red pupils. Their mouths also widened even further, puffing out their cheeks and greedily sucking in something from the air.

The mist on Mo the Physician's face, sensing imminent danger, surged angrily, its tendrils flailing wildly. But it was to no avail.

Seven thin black lines were still swept up from the mist, forming elegant arcs in the air before accurately dropping into the waiting mouths of the seven ghost heads, where they were gradually consumed.

Han Li was dumbfounded. Because Mo the Physician was sitting directly across from him, he witnessed everything happening in front of him vividly, down to the minutest detail on the ghostly faces.

For the first time, Han Li, touching upon another world, was completely stunned by this miraculous power. The bizarre silver blades, the eerie ghost heads, and the sinister black mist swirling around Mo the Physician's face—all these phenomena defied explanation and shattered his previous understanding. Before this, Han Li had always been skeptical of the supernatural, believing only what he saw with his own eyes.

Now, these ghostly scenes, typically found only in folklore, were unfolding before him in vivid reality, leaving Han Li utterly astonished.

For a moment, Han Li's mind was in turmoil. Faced with such unearthly power as a prisoner, he didn't know how to respond.

Gradually, the mist on Mo the Physician's face dissipated, and only a faint layer remained, barely visible.

At this moment, as Han Li caught a glimpse of Mo the Physician's revealed face, he was stunned speechless, unable to close his gaping mouth for some time.

Today had brought too many surprises for Han Li, but none as bewildering as what he saw now, leaving him completely astounded.

The face revealed from the mist was that of a man in his prime, around thirty years old. Despite the familiar features, it was unmistakably Mo the Physician himself, but rejuvenated by decades.

With his determined face, commanding gaze, and a hint of a smirk on his lips, he looked incredibly charismatic. Such a mature masculine face had a fatal charm for women, irresistibly drawing them in with just a glance, no matter their age or status.

Seeing this face, Han Li felt an urge to punch it, perhaps feeling jealous of its handsome appearance, which seemed to provoke other men's envy.

As the last remnants of the mist were consumed by the ghost heads, Han Li remembered Mo the Physician mentioning that he had originally been in his thirties. It seemed that on this point, Mo the Physician hadn't lied to him. This current appearance should be Mo the Physician's true form, but the method of his recovery was truly incredible.

At this point, Han Li noticed that not only Mo the Physician's appearance but also his body and hair had changed. With his jet-black hair and sturdy physique, it was evident that he was in the prime of his life, both physically and mentally.

"But since Mo the Physician has a way to restore his original appearance, why did he have to go through all this trouble?" Han Li wondered. Snapping out of his shock, he realized he was still in danger and began to analyze the situation, trying to find a way to escape.

Han Li observed that the rejuvenated Mo the Physician seemed somewhat absent-minded, standing there silently.

After a long while, he raised a hand, looking at it with the eyes of someone rediscovering a long-lost treasure, carefully examining the smooth skin on the back of his hand. Then, he closed his eyes, pressing his palm against his cheek, gently rubbing it as if savoring the vitality of youth.

Mo the Physician's self-absorbed expression made Han Li somewhat uncomfortable. He couldn't understand the mixed emotions Mo the Physician must be feeling at that moment.

"Mo Lao, now that you seem to have returned to normal, do you still need your disciple? Could you spare me? In the future, I can still serve you as your loyal follower," Han Li couldn't help but blurt out, unable to contain his anxiety. Even though he knew Mo the Physician wouldn't just let him go like this, he pretended to be clueless, hoping to gather more information about his fate and plan accordingly

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