Chapter 66: Peculiar Regulations

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Han Li knew that as long as his requests weren't too unreasonable, the other party would likely agree, making his original goals easily achievable.

However, such generosity was rare within the Seven Profound Gates. It was evident that the higher-ups understood the significance of a highly skilled divine physician to the martial world.

Han Li didn't hesitate to request sole occupancy of the Valley of the Divine Hands and expressed his desire not to be disturbed while he researched medicine within the valley.

This seemingly insignificant condition was readily agreed upon by the Horse Head Sect Master. Perhaps in an attempt to win over Han Li, he even offered to send a young and beautiful maid to attend to his daily needs.

Initially tempted by this unexpected offer, Han Li almost accepted but reconsidered, mindful of the many secrets he carried, and politely declined.

His refusal earned him admiration from the Horse Head Sect Master, who praised him for his youth, talent, and lack of obsession with women, even joking that if he had a daughter, she should marry Han Li.

These remarks amused Han Li, who was not averse to women but simply unable to pursue such relationships at present.

Thus, the entire Valley of the Divine Hands became Han Li's personal domain, off-limits to outsiders. To enforce this, Han Li placed a large bell at the valley entrance. Anyone wishing to meet him would ring the bell, and he would emerge promptly. This peculiar rule, designed to prevent the leakage of the bottle's secrets, was reluctantly accepted by even the higher-ups.

Initially met with disapproval, the rule became accepted as Han Li's medical prowess saved lives. No one dared offend a physician who could potentially save them multiple times.

Over time, even the sect masters acquiesced to the rule. They would send someone to politely ring the bell when seeking medical assistance, then respectfully invite Han Li to help.

Thus, Han Li gradually became an anomaly within the Seven Profound Gates. Neither a high-ranking official nor a low-level disciple, he was addressed as "Doctor Han" by everyone, with few daring to call him by his name.

However, there was one exception—Senior Brother Li Feiyu. Although he maintained his stern demeanor in front of others, he would adopt a casual attitude and address Han Li by name, unaffected by his elevated status.

This comforted Han Li, who found solace in his otherwise solitary existence.

Recalling Li Feiyu's jovial expression, Han Li couldn't help but think of another familiar face—Wuyan, a core disciple of the Seven Perfections Hall. Wuyan had recently sought Han Li's help for an ailment that had stumped other physicians. Despite their past interactions, Wuyan recognized Han Li immediately and expressed surprise and awkwardness, a memory that still amused Han Li to this day.

Observing Wuyan's discomfort, Han Li treated him without resentment. However, he deliberately increased the dosage of the medicine as a minor punishment for Wuyan's previous disrespectful behavior.

It seemed Han Li was not as forgiving as he had thought.

Thus, Han Li gradually replaced Dr. Mo's position on the mountain, even surpassing him in importance. Now, he spent his days cultivating medicine in the valley, using a small bottle to brew miraculous green liquid every seven or eight days, which he used to create various remedies.

While some of these remedies were used to treat patients, most were consumed by Han Li himself to aid in his cultivation.

Shifting slightly in Dr. Mo's chair, now in his own residence, Han Li made himself more comfortable. Despite the larger size of Dr. Mo's quarters, Han Li felt uneasy residing there, given the association with Dr. Mo's death. Instead, he preferred the familiarity and security of his own humble abode.

However, thoughts of Dr. Mo reminded Han Li of his frustration at being constrained by the deceased. Despite thorough examinations, he couldn't rid himself of the mysterious chill lurking in his dantian. Attempts to dispel it with various detoxifying methods proved futile, indicating that his forthcoming journey in a year's time was inevitable.

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