Chapter 5

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"Clytia, there is someone for you in the small conference room." Said Jenny, her colleague.

Clytia raised her head to look at her. She was all smiling, almost exited.

"Oh! I normally don't have any rendezvous with a client today."

"Well if he is a client, I'd like to have him in my portfolio." She replied definitely exited.

"Who is it Jenny?" asked Clytia.

"Let me walk you there!" following her.

Jenny was much taller than her, 5 ft. 9 tall. Right now she looked like a kid at Disneyland, which made Clytia suspicious. When they arrived at the conference room, Jenny stormed inside making Clytia stop dead on her track. Then, she saw him. Damn! Not today!

"Look who I found in the hall looking for you?!" squealed Jenny.

Clytia slowly turned to her, with a fake smile.

"Hey wifey!"

Nolam was laughing internally. From the scowled on her face, he could tell that, at the moment, she wanted nothing more than to slap the smile off of his face. That was a small victory. He got up and walked to her. She took a step back to avoid any contact, but he went on her side and posed his hand on the small of her back. He was trying his chance, betting on the presence of her colleague for her to remain calm and not push him away. He noticed the O face on her when he said wifey.

"Won't you introduce me to you colleague here?" he asked playfully. "Fine, I'll do it" he said extended his hand "I'm Josh Winter, Clytia's husband. Pleasure to meet you."

"Oh!" the poor girl couldn't hide her surprise. "Hum! Jenny Wat. The pleasure is mine." She finally answered shaking his hand. "Clytia, why would you hide that you're married?"

"Oh, it was actually my idea. You know with my job and all, I don't want the wrong kind of attention on my baby." He answered quickly for her.

"Right, I understand but as her HR, I need to have her updated information on file. But that's another discussion. I'll leave you two lovebirds."

"Thank you Jenny. I'll come to your office later." It was Clytia, who finally recovered from her astonishment.

When Jenny left the place, she got away from Nolam and faced him.

"Why are you here? What are you trying to do exactly? This is my work place. You cannot barge in and call me your wife. I thought I'd been clear enough yesterday!"

"Hello to you too Rhonda!"

"Rhonda?" she asked surprised.

"The MMA fighter, you know! No? Okay. Fine. I came bearing good news."

She raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed on her chest, tensed. "What is it?"

"We have a meeting with a judge for the cancellation in two days."

"Great. I think I can have a permission then." She said finally starting to relax.

"Yikes. I never would've thought that being married to me, would be a curse for someone."

"I never said that. Look, I'll recognize that I might have been a little rude to you from the beginning, and I'm sorry for that. But the sooner this is done, the sooner each of us can go back to their life. I'm pretty sure it won't be difficult for you to find a willing girl to marry you."

"You're right. Maybe we can be friends, after all that?" he proposed.

"I don't think it's possible."

He lowered his head, removed his cap to turn it backward. Clytia took the opportunity to study him. He was handsome, that was undeniable. She knew he had cerulean blue eyes. Really tall, maybe 6 ft. 3, fair skin, athletic. He was sporting a full beard, maybe in a fail attempt to disguise. He looked hell good. Too bad she could only remember few bit of their night together. She looked at his arms. He was big. Bigger than what she expected from the movies she had seen him in. The muscles of his arms were outlined in his black sweatshirt, almost like they could burst free at any minute. He had large shoulders with a narrow hips. The man was a fine ass. Too bad she thought.

"I'm sure we could have make it work."

"We'll never know." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess this is a goodbye. See you in a few." He said heading to the door.

"Yeah. See you."

"Oh! One last thing." He said turning back.

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