Chapter 43

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Clytia was laughing her ass off. Her friend was tickling her and wouldn't let her go.

"Stop, please..."


"Nick please, Stop!" Clytia begged out of breath.

"Say I'm the best cook here!"

"Okay! You're the best..." She said catching her breath.

When he let her go, she smiled and took few steps away before continuing.

"The best worst cook ever!" she finished laughing.

"Oh! You're going to regret that!" Nick threatened playfully before chasing her in the living room. Making her laugh.

When he finally got a hold of her, he tackled her, making them both fall on the floor, with her on top of him. They stared in each other's eyes for what seemed to be an eternity. The tension between them was electric.

Nick slowly raised his head, both of his hands on her waist and his eyes drifting to her lips. Clytia met him halfway. The kiss was ... hesitant and delicate. Almost like they were testing the waters. Clytia gently pushed him as she sat up on the carpet beside his legs, breaking the kiss.

Nick sighed and turned on his side to face her, a sweet smile on his lips.

Clytia met Nick at the gym, a week after she was dragged to Boston by Janice who refused to hear anything about going back to Canada. She had been so ashamed of what happened with Nolam, that she didn't bother her parents with it.

For days, she refused to lay a foot out of her in laws' house. She would sit for hours alone, staring at nothing, then crying herself to sleep every night.

She knew Nolam was trying to contact her. She saw his calls and messages. She couldn't face him. So she did what was best at the moment, ignoring him.

After a week of mopping around, she decided it was time to come back to her senses. She joined a gym downtown and started looking for an apartment.

That's how she met Nick. He was a real estate agent. He helped her find something pretty easily and quickly.

After that, they became friends. Nick was an easy going person, always joyful and full of life. He never tried to pry on her private life. He was always supportive and caring. He would force her to go out and have fun. Within the few weeks, their friendship grew and Clytia started to feel attracted to him.

He certainly was not as handsome as Nolam, but he had a lot of charms. His dark curly hair were always in a mess and she liked to run her hands in them. He had a dimple on his left cheek that would appear whenever he smiled. And his beautiful blue eyes would sparkled every time he would look at her. She loved his aura and his presence. He had been her shelter during her storm. And she was grateful for him.

They were both staring at each other when the doorbell began to ring.

"I'll go see for you." said Nick as he got up and helped her up as well.

Clytia went to the kitchen to grab some water while she was waiting for Nick. Few moments later, he walked back in, followed by Nolam, making her eyes grew wide.

Nick walked toward her and gently kissed on the corner of her lips. "I'll let you guys have some time alone". He said before walking out.

"Hello honey!" Nolam said with a shy smile.

Clytia stared at him, not knowing what to feel after all this time. His hair was longer and he had grown a beard.

Weirdly, it looked good on him. He was still a handsome devil. She looked at him from head to toe, taking in all his beauty. No matter how mad she was, a part of her had miss him. Not that she would ever recognized it.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, finally snapping herself back to reality.

"I miss you. But it seems that you didn't miss me. Who was that guy?"

Clytia rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't want to deal with your crazy ass tonight, so please leave me alone!"

"Clytia, please! It has been two months. Just give me the opportunity to..."

"To do what?" she interrupted him. "To finish what you started two months ago?"

"You don't know how sorry I am. I wasn't myself that night. I was so drunk! I know it doesn't excuse my behavior, but I'll do anything for your forgiveness. I've been thinking about you so much, I thought I was losing my mind. Two fucking months Cly! Without hearing from you. When I finally get to see you, you're cozy with another man!"

Clytia sighed. She really didn't want to deal with him. And Nick was not a subject she wanted to talk about.

"Look! If you came here looking for trouble..."

"No! Of course not!" He replied taking few steps towards her.

Clytia took some steps back, interrupting him in his approach with her hand raised at him. Nolam sighed and ran his hands on his face, frustrated.

"What do I have to do for your forgiveness? I swear to God, it will never happen again."

"Fine! I forgive you. You can leave now."

"Cly please!"

"I said you're forgiven. But that doesn't mean that we're getting back together."

"Goodness gracious! What do you want from me? Tell me! Whatever it is! I'll do it. But I can't live without you." He begged, tears in his eyes.

Clytia walked past him to her living room, her water bottle long forgotten on the kitchen island. She sat on the couch with her feet crossed beneath her. She took a deep breath as she looked at Nolam who came and sat beside her, making sure to respect her personal space.

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