Chapter 54

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Clytia woke up by the sound of her cellphone ringing. Her naked body refused to work. Her mind fuggy. When she tried to extend her hand to turn the phone off, everything hurt, making her groaned. Luckily, the ringing stopped.

She was exhausted. She opened her eyes and sighed in relief when she noticed she was alone in the room.

Damn, Nolam put up a number on me yesterday! Fuck! She thought.

Slowly, she pushed on her arms to sit on the bed. Then she realized she made a mistake, as she groaned in pain and discomfort, before falling back on the bed.
Every part of her body hurt. Her vagina was no exception. She couldn’t even sit on it.

“Asshole!” She let out, her voice raspy from the activity of the night.

“Well, good morning to you too!” said Nolam behind her.

Clytia squalled before falling off the bed, on the floor. She wished she had more time by herself. God only knows how he would be! She chose then to remain on the floor, to avoid having to face him. However, to her surprise, she heard him laugh.

Instead of helping her up, he doubled off in laughter. “Oh my God! That is hilarious!” He said as he kept laughing.

“Ugh! You’re an asshole!” she croaked, as she tried to get up painfully.

Nolam walked to her and tried to help up, still laughing. But she raised her hands to stop him. “Don’t touch me!”

But he simply ignored her and lowered himself to her level. With one arm under her knees and the other on her back, he took her and placed her back on the bed, still laughing.

“It’s not funny Nolam!”

“I’m sorry honey! But it is funny!”

“Idiot!” She replied annoyed. “Look at what you’ve done! My whole body hurt! There is not a place free from pain!”

“Apparently your mouth is still functioning correctly.” He replied as he rolled his eyes at her. “Maybe I should have given it a proper care as well!”

Clytia’s mouth hang open as she gasped, making him laugh one more time. He sat beside her on her bed and tried to kiss her but she pushed him away.

“You’re out of your mind if you think I’ll let you kiss me after what you did yesterday!”

All traces of laughter disappeared from his face. Clytia was met by expressionless eyes as he spoke one more time.

“I thought we had made things clear when you kept chanting that you’re mine!” He said, a hand grabbing her chin to force her to look at him.

“You’re stupid!”

“And you love my stupid ass. Let’s not forget that Clytia!” He replied before slamming her lips with his in a surprisingly gentle kiss. “I love you too much for your good and my own. I’ll run you a hot bath. It will help you with the soreness.”

Clytia looked at him as he walked to the bathroom. He was right about one thing. They loved each other probably too much for their own good.

Thinking that she had some doubts at the beginning of their relationship made her laugh now. She could easily see herself grow old by his side. Both of them bickering about something stupid with in the background some kids playing. Later Nolam would kiss her and cuddle with her as a sign of reconciliation while she would settle against his chest, a content smile on her lips.

His footsteps brought her back to her senses. She let him carry her to the bathroom, into the bath. Clytia sighed, delighted, as the warm water was relaxing her sore muscles. It felt so good!

“Thanks!” She said, looking at Nolam.

“What are you doing?” She asked, suddenly nervous when she saw that he was getting undress.

He just smiled back at her and got behind her in the water. “Can’t a man enjoy the company of his dear wife?” He wondered amused.

“Nope! You know that my body can’t possibly go through anything sexually related, right?” She inquired as she turn her head slightly to look at him.

“Relax! I have no ill intention.” Nolam replied as he grasp her and tucked her to his chest, his chin laying in the crook of her neck.

He was aware that he had almost gone crazy during the night. He couldn’t even explain what had gotten into him. But he had no remorse whatsoever. The sick part of his brain had enjoyed every minute of it.

He had expected her to cuss him out in the morning. However, he was relieved to see that she didn’t. He smiled, remembering how she fell on the floor, butt naked earlier.

“I know I should apologize for my reaction yesterday,” he began. “But I’m not sorry Cly!”

“Well, why am I not surprised?!” She replied, her voice full of sarcasm. “You’re an idiot Nolam!”

He laughed.

“I love you Cly.” He said softly after he had calmed down. “I don’t know how you put up with my crazy ass, but I’m glad you do.” He said sincerely as he started massaging her shoulders.

“I wonder!” She said playfully.

They remained in a comfortable silence as they bathed till the water turned cold. Nolam was the first to get out of it. He dried himself first, then proceed to help her out of it and dried her too, before carrying her back to their bed.

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