Chapter 34

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Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎆🎆🎆🎆


Clytia was left speechless. This was definitely not how she had pictured her day. She stood there, lost in her own haze when a noise brought her back to her senses. It was Jo.

"What..." she began.

"The key for the handcuff" Jo interrupted her as she walked to her and freed her.

Clytia looked carefully at Jo's actions. Her eyes were red and a little puffy. When she was done, she took few step back, avoiding any physical contact.

"You should leave."

Jo simply noted and walked out of the room. Right before leaving she stopped at the door, her back at Clytia.

"I'm not sorry for what happened. The only regret I have is losing you, both of you. It was never my intention to hurt you." and with that she left, closing the door behind her.

Clytia didn't know what to think. She looked around. It was almost like everything that had happened didn't happened to her. She shook her head and went to shower one more time. When she was done. She changed her bed sheets. Now, she had to talk to Nolam.

She found him in his office, a glass of bourbon in his hand. Their eyes locked when she entered the room. Never breaking the contact, she went to him, straddling him and hugged him. Her head was on the crook of his neck as she tightened her grip on his neck.

He didn't reciprocate the embrace. He just let her be for a while, before gently pushing her and getting up. He emptied his glass, then filled it up.

"Are you done with your things?" he asked, his back to her, one hand in his pocket.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your suitcases Cly!"

"Oh! You were serious." She noted. She tugged her legs on the couch and plowed down.

"Bae, we came back just few days ago. I cannot just leave my work and call to ask for few more days just to follow you!"

"This is not about asking for days, I want you to quit!" he replied bored, taking another sip.

"You're kidding, right?"

"What do you think?" he asked finally turning around.

His eyes were dull and empty. His whole posture was stiff.

"Bae, you have to be reasonable. I cannot just quit! You're asking me to give up everything I worked so hard for.

"Do I look like I care? I left everything behind me to be with you. I'm just asking you to do the same. Is it too much to ask that to have my wife with me? I have to make sure you're safe. I'm not leaving you here alone, not after what happened today."

"Nolam! You didn't give up your entire life for me. Yet, that is what you're asking from me! You can live in any country you'd wished, as long as you're able to travel for your work. Going with you now would mean accepting to be unemployed for months. How am I supposed to do without my job? And one does not just quit! There is a process. You can expect me to throw everything!"

"Why do you work? For money? I have more than enough for us. And what's few months of unemployment compare to the sanity of the man you claim to be in love with?"

"I'm not leaving with you tomorrow Nolam. I will be fine on my own."

"So you're not willing to make some sacrifices for us? After everything I went through to be with you."

"Bae, please."

"Please what?"

"Don't be like that."

"Like what exactly? We agreed on you coming with me, because if I apply for you when you're not there, you wouldn't be able to travel, at least till you'd have receive your work permit and residency."

"We agreed on the end of the year Nolam. I have to make sure I handle things correctly back here. You can't expect me to throw everything to the trash just because your friend screw up!"

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"You're the one being stubborn right now Nolam! We already talked about all this. Why rush things? I'm perfectly safe here."

Nolam's eyes were throwing daggers at her. He was being irrational. He put the glass that was now empty and left the room. Clytia could hear the main door being closed few minutes later, then the roaring of his car.

He had left the house.

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