Chapter 49

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When Clytia opened the door of the apartment, she pried her head in first before letting herself in. Nolam was nowhere to be seen. At least not in the living room.

Few steps in let her know that he was in the shower. She took a deep breath and sat on the couch. She closed her eyes, taking the time to reflect on the recent events.

Just thinking that two days ago, they were still estranged. It only took a night for her to fall back into his arms. And few hours for her to send them back into the coldness.

She opened her eyes when she heard his footsteps behind her.

“You’re back!” He noticed as he went to the kitchen. “Are you hungry? I made a salad earlier, but I can always order pizza if you want some.” He proposed, still in the kitchen, his nose in the fridge.

“I’m good for now.” She replied as she joined him and leaned on the counter. She looked at him drink his water.

“What?” He asked flatly once he was done.

“Can we go over what we talked about earlier? Or do you want to pretend everything is okay?”

He raised his eyebrows, not amused by her tone.

“You’ve spend hours out, probably with that …!” He started clearly annoyed.
He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, before continuing.

“Do you realize that introducing a new factor in a relationship is the key to an unknown territory? A tricky one at that! Are you sure you can navigate through this river and get out sound and safe?”

“No matter what happens Nolam, you’re it for me!” Clytia said as she took few steps closer to him in a reassuring tone.

They stared at each other.
“Just think about it Nolam.”
His eyes roamed all over her features, an unreadable expression on his face, before replying.

“I am! And the more I think about it, the more I want to turn my back on this whole masquerade! Unfortunately, I love you too much for my own good.”

He walked past her toward the living room.

“We’re going to have a serious discussion about the boundaries.” He finished as he settled in the couch.

It took Clytia a minute to realize what he meant. Did he just agree to …?

“Wait! What?” She finally let out as she walked toward him, hopeful.

“Don’t make me change my mind Clytia. Are we talking about the boundaries or not?”


After Clytia left, Nolam was utterly pissed. He could understand why she was trying to push him. They were good. Things in bed were great. What was wrong with her?

He spent an hour walking back and forth in the apartment, thinking and wondering. The more he thought about her wish, the madder he’d get. He was lost in his own head when his phone started to ring.

It was his mom.

“Hey mom!”

“Nolam, is everything okay there? We haven’t heard back from you since you left the house.”

“Yeah! Don’t worry mom.”

“Don’t worry! It’s my job to worry kiddo!”

“We’re fine ma!”

He didn’t want to talk to her. Not at the moment.

“Then, why do you sound like that?”
He sighed. His mother knew him a little too much. However, his sex life wasn’t something he was comfortable to talk about with her.

“We reconciled yesterday mom.”

“But?” She pushed one more time, making him sighed.

Maybe having a different opinion wouldn’t be a bad thing.

“We had an argument today about something she wants me to do. Well! It’s more something she wants to do, and she expects my help with it. But I don’t like it.”

Janice remained silent for few seconds before saying:
“You don’t always do what you want and like in a couple. Sometimes, you do things just to make your partner happy.”
“Is it worth it when it means that you’ll certainly be displeased with the outcome?”

“Is your little discomfort worth losing the woman you love? Just give it a try. If you still don’t like it, then you can say no. Is she asking you to do something illegal?”


“Then, you know what you have to do. She came to you, trusting you with her desires, don’t brush her off just because.”

***End of the flashback***

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