Chapter 65

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Nolam's eyes fluttered open to the sound of a phone vibrating near them. He groaned while rolling on his side, his hand patting the bedside table. When he grabbed the phone, it stopped vibrating, making him roll his eyes. It was almost ten in the morning. He pushed himself into a sitting position on the bed before unlocking the phone. He had seventy three missed calls and unread messages, most of them from Daisy his publicist, the others from his family.

Why is she trying to call me? He wondered. He was pretty sure he had no work scheduled for the day. He turned his head slightly, making sure she was still asleep. The night had been rough for her. He wanted her to have few more hours of sleep.


Nolam turned on the bed in the middle of the night, his hand feeling it to draw Clytia closer. He opened his eyes when he touched the empty space. She was not by his side. He frowned and looked around the room for her. He couldn't see her. He was about to sit up when he heard her sniff on the other side. He got up and walked towards the noise, only to find her laying on the ground. "Honey?" He whispered as he kneeled, one hand on her shoulder.

The lamp on the bedside table was on, allowing him to see her saddened face wetted by her tears. "Hey!" He began, laying by her side on the ground. "What's wrong?" She shook her head, refusing to answer. "Honey..." He breathed out, his voice almost inaudible.

Nolam sighed. He hated feeling so helpless. He wondered what could have left her in such a state of desolation, when few hours earlier she was so high spirited. Suddenly it clicked. The Dream! "You saw them again." It wasn't a question. He knew. He drew her closer, while she nestled against him, her head on his chest, her sobs even stronger.

They remained there, on the ground, the silence their only companion. Nolam had never felt so weak. How was he supposed to help her when he didn't know what to say? What to do? She was the stronger one in their relationship. She had always been. She was the one who would ground him and bring him back when he was on the brink of sanity. He wanted to be able to find the right words. He wanted to be able to comfort her. But he didn't know what to do.

So he did the only thing he could. He kept her against him, letting her cry till the well ran dry.

It was five in the morning when he realized that she had finally fallen asleep. Carefully, he carried her to the bed, before laying with her.

End of Flashback.

He walked toward the balcony. He opened the door only to close it in the second. It was freezing outside, which was pretty normal for a day in december. The weather had been exceptionally warm and beautiful the day before. He sighed. After few seconds of hesitation, he decided to shower before checking his messages and call back Daisy and his family. When he was done, he realized that they would have to wear the clothes they had on the day before. Maybe he should go back to his parents' house and pack for few days for the both of them. If he was quick enough he could be back in less than an hour.

He grabbed his phone and his keys, heading towards the door. The phone started to vibrate one more time. He looked down at it. It was a link to a video on his twitter account with the title: Mr. and Mrs. Winter having sex in public.

Shit! He stopped dead on his track. He looked back to Clytia who was still asleep. She will kill me! Fuck!

Instead of leaving the room, he went to the balcony, and sat on a chair, his hands slightly shaking. He took a deep breath and clicked on the link. It was a fifty four seconds video. Quickly his stress melted like ice on the sun. It was just a video of Clytia giving him a lap dance in the club before kissing him.

He smiled remembering the events of the previous night. Fortunately more fear than harm. He now understood why Daisy was pestering him. It was annoying. They were not the only couple having fun in that club. Why couldn't they catch a break?

After a while he decided it was best to answer. He went to back to his twitter account and posted his answer, a huge grin on his face. He could practically feel Daisy frustration and was ready to bet that she would be calling him in less than a minute.

"Hello." He said picking up as soon as his phone started vibrating, again.

"Really Winter! You found nothing else to say than: Love being married to a goddess. Thank you for the awesome night wifey. Love you."

Nolam smiled. It was evident that Daisy was pissed, which made him want to laugh. Noises in the room made him look there. Clytia was awaked. She went straight to the bathroom. He made a mental note to cut his conversation short.

"Well, good morning to you too Daisy."

She sighed on the other side of the phone. "I have been trying to call you for hours now. Why would you ignore my phone calls?"

"It never went through your mind that maybe I was asleep?"

"Nolam this is not funny."

"You're right. This is not funny. Some idiots recorded my wife and I having fun. This is not funny."

"You should have been careful. You know it. You're a celebrity. What did you expect when you let Clytia dance like that on you. Thank God everyone can see that she had on a short and not a dress or a skirt. It would have make things worse."


"And what with you and that girl Nolam?"

"That girl, as you call her is my wife. I knew what I was signing up for when I chose this line of work. But I'll be damned if I let anyone harass Clytia."

"What were you both thinking? Clearly, you were not thinking straight. Otherwise, we would not be having this conversation. That is really irresponsible."

"Let me stop you right there Daisy. We might be friends, but I won't tolerate any kind of disrespect. We did nothing wrong. And fuck any frustrated assholes who say that we did. Feel free to include yourself in that category." Nolam had no intentions of snapping at her, but she had pushed his buttons. The line went silent for a while.

"Could you please delete your last post on twitter? I have a text ready and I will send it to you." She finally said, her tone more professional.

"Is it an apology?"


"Write something else. I am not apologizing. and I certainly won't delete my last post."

"I am your publicist..."

"Exactly!" He interrupted her. "You work for me, not the other way around. I am not apologizing for having fun with MY wife. If you think there is a need for another post on my social media accounts, then write something and send it to me. I'll review it. If my wife and I agree on the content, I'll post it. Otherwise, if you finally understand that there is no reason to worry, then relax. On that note, have a good day Daisy." He finished and hang up without giving her the time to answer.

He knew he had been rude. He would apologize later to her for that. But she needed to understand that he wouldn't give to anyone the opportunity to disrespect Clytia.


He raised his head. It was Clytia. He had not realized that she was standing on the balcony, few inches away from him. "Hey." He replied softly while taking her hand and making her sit on his lap. She put her hand around his neck, the other one on his chest. She gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Everything's okay? Who were you talking to?" She asked. 

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